A Conductor’s and Performer’s Guide to Steven Bryant’s Concerto for Alto Saxophone - Chester Jenkins

96 meaning. And every time I play this concerto, I have certain flashbacks to certain events like this. And it’s good. You have to do that as a performing musician. I have that with all my music. Yesterday is the same well that’s a whole ‘nother discussion. The depth of this concerto, I think, the depth in Steven’s writing of this concerto is reflective of the…enables the person who’s performing it to find that space to be able to express themselves. And I think that’s what makes a really, really good piece of music. JENKINS: Yeah LULLOFF: Bach. You know. Beethoven. Brahms. Emotional music. And I’m an emotional person. And that’s why I do my music. So that’s where this concerto comes from. You know, all these inner events are so important. And if it wasn’t for the friendship of him. Yes, commissioning is an important part of this. But if it wasn’t for the support of him, I don’t even think the performance of this…or the notes of this…all these events….I don’t think this really would have come to be. Does that make sense? JENKINS: Yeah, absolutely. LULLOFF: Do you know what I’m saying? GOURWITZ: I agree, I agree. LULLOFF: Am I portraying this, I think, pretty accurately? GOURWITZ: Yep LULLOFF: As well as I can. GOURWITZ: I came to the premiere of the Mackey concerto. And when I talked to you and found out about Janet’s accident, I said, ‘Maybe I should go to the hospital. I can hear you play another time. They’re going to record it.’ And you said, ‘Janet was safe’ LULLOFF: She was all right. And of course I would have canceled if I had to. JENKINS: Oh yeah GOURWITZ: Yeah, exactly LULLOFF: We went at 3 o’clock. I went from on stage to school. Got the message at school. Went directly to the hospital. Jordan went to the hospital. She was in recovery. She was fine, but she was in pain. They got her taken care of, we got her to her room. We went back. Jordan got my clothes. He’s a freshman by the way, in college… JENKINS: Right LULLOFF: …and he had to play the concert that night. And they got me on stage. And Kevin and Howard and the band staff, I can tell you who that was, but I’m not going to