The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture
116 The epangelical answer. Kaiser has coined the term "promise theology" (epangelical) which he affirms is a mediating position between covenant and dispensational theology. 168 In contrast to amillennial theology he does not view the Church as a replacement of Israel and in this way honors the intent of the Amos passage. In contrast to dispensational theology he sees the passage as more germane to James' point than simply an analogy based upon the kingdom. He understands the words "after these things" to refer in the context of Amos to the exile and "falling down" of David's dynasty. The return then to rebuild the fallen house of David is seen as a reference to the coming of Messiah and the salvation of Israel which leads directly to the salvation of Gentiles. 169 In this way (1) Israel remains Israel, (2) the text has direct reference to the time period after the coming of Christ and (3) answers the original question of "should Gentiles become Jews." Clearly God's work among Israel leads to the salvation of the Gentiles as Gentiles. This view is problematic, however. While Kaiser is correct in seeing "after the e things" as a reference to some time after the events of the exile it also defined in the context of Amos as the Messianic age. Amos 9:11-15 is a definable literary unit which speak of future blessing for Israel and the nations. Verses 11-12 and 13-15 are further sub-unit which are defined by similar introductory phrases and conclusion . 170 The second unit (13-15) describes a time of edenic phy ical pro perity clearly placing it in the promi ed kingd m age . It i unlikely that the fir t unit (11- 12) refers, a Kai er insi t , to a different age, th hur h age . Beyond thi , if Amo refer directly to the Church, then th church w uld n t ha b n 168 Walter . Kai er, "Th Davidi Pr mt e nd th Inclu i n f th ntil " 111. 169 lbid ., 1 -8. 110 h mtr duct ry phr ar ' In th t d ,, nd ' B h ld d n11n " , r sp ti 1 B th umt ar n lud db ' th L rd h d nd " th L D UI d ,,
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