The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture
126 We would certainly agree that the theology of Paul ought not to conflict with the rest of scripture but it is also true that the teaching from one book should not overrule or force the interpretation found in another. A presupposition of this writer is that each book of scripture is a self-interpreting piece of revelation. That the theology of Paul contradicts this passage is also a matter of opinion. According to the view presented here, the council of Jerusalem decrees a "law-free" gospel for Gentiles which in the context means that Gentiles do not need to become Jews. Circumci- sion and law observance are not necessary for Gentiles, but this does not mean that they are free from the moral commandments of the decalogue or that certain minimal regulations do not apply. As Wilson notes, "Gentile Christians are thus required to observe those parts of the law applicable to them, and it is misleading to speak of a 'law-free' Gentile mission because it was never the intention of the law itself that Gentiles should observe any more than these few rules. " 198 Many interpreters consider this to conflict with the doctrine of justification by faith, so forcefully taught by Paul, but much of this confusion comes from the failure to understand the proper function of the Law. As Pentecost rightly affirms, the Law was never intended a a means to salvation but as instruction for the redeemed . 199 Marshall 's confu ion of the e separate issues is evident as he comments about verse eleven: Peter i talkmg about the kind of faith in God that lead to alvation (cf. ver e 7). If both Jews and Gentile are aved in thi way, clearly obedience to the law i n t required of Gentile . Nor, may we add, i obedience to the law demanded of Je a a means of alvation (Gal. 5:6) . . .. why, then , it i a ked did the Je i h hri tian n t 198 Wil n, Luke and the Law, 76 . f. al Ha n h n h point of 1 the f ur r quir ment w re thu n t burden: th uk ' th th in l niti n of th mi from th I n h n , A t , 4 199 J D 1 ht P nte un ti n th , " Bibliothe a a ra I (Jul 1 71
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