The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture
131 The Demonstration 16: 1-3 Although the circumcision of Timothy is not directly connected to the decree it does occur sufficiently close in the narrative that it appears as a practical demonstration of Paul's understanding of the decision of the council. It is included here as somewhat of a test case for our view of the decree. Many view the circumcision of Timothy as simply non– historical. Perhaps some of Paul's other acts of simulated Jewish piety are believable, but the circumcision of Timothy is not. It is too inconsistent with the central teaching of Galatians, no matter the social setting of the incident or the 'Jewishness' of the circum– cised.213 Others, hold that the circumcision was conciliatory in order to "win the Jews ," not because it was any longer necessary. 214 It is clear that the motives are an important part of any action, but does this mean that Timothy was obligated to the whole law (Gal 5:3)? Would Paul have condoned Timothy sacrificing at the Temple? Those who hold the first view would differ with itself places on "strangers among the Jews " (Lev. 17:8, 10-13; 18:26), i.e., Gentiles. The implication is that circumcision was meant only for Jews in the first place, not Gentile . Accordingly, Gentile acceptance of these prohibitions would be fully in keeping with the Mosaic Scriptures that have been read weekly in the synagogue 'from early generations' (Act 15:21) . James's proposal thus commends itself because it is scriptural in the stricte t ense it binds on Gentiles what God through Scripture had bound, and that alone, and it ucceed in waiving circumcision as a requirement for Gentiles. It thus allows Gentiles 'to keep the la of Moses' (v. 5) in God's intended sense, not in the narrow sense in i ted on by the 'particularist' Jewish Christian Pharisees (v . 5)." Carl Holladay , "Act , " Harper' Bible ommentary, ed. James L . Mays, 1077-1118 (San Franci co : Harper and Row , 19 ), 1099. 213 haye J . D . ohen, "Wa Timothy Jewi h (Act 16 :1-3): Patri ti Rabbinic a , and Matrilineal De cent," Journal of Biblical Literature 105 (19 6) : ther who hold thi iew are William 0 . Walker, 'The Timoth -Titu Pr bl m R on id– red ," The po itory Times 92 (May 1981) : 231-35, ho on id r th a orruption of an incid nt in ol ing itu . "The tatem nt b ut th tand in d1r ct contradiction to the th logy f P ul , but it fit Lu ' 1t ull lidity or J wi h hri tian ," P . i lhau r , "On th ' P ulini m ' m Luk -A t , d . L . nd J . . Mart n, ( h ill : bingd n, 1 214 u nt , " t " 3 8 ,
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