The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture
157 particular perspective, a particular attitude to the law , or some specific (mis-)understanding of it. 41 Human Activity vs. Divine Activity Two works in particular, George Howard's Crisis in Galatia and Richard Hays ' The Faith of Jesus Christ, 42 have broken new ground in studies of Galatians by offering new meaning and emphasizing the other side of the antithesis , rrfaTL<;'Iriaou Xpw,ou. They agree that the phrase refers more likely to a Divine activity rather than the human activity of believing. 43 They do differ on certain finer points of interpretation, however , and will be discussed under separate headings. Exclusivism of the Law vs . Divine Faith-Act .., Howard's position, in regard to the first phrase of the antithesis "works of the law," is similar to Dunn's with the emphasis upon the exclusive nature of the law which divides Jew from Gentile . 44 They differ in that Howard sees the divisive nature of the law not as an incorrect attitude on the part of some individuals but a an inherent con equence of the law itself. Howard does not understand "works of the law" or the phrase 'under the law ' to mean "subject to the specific demands of the law" but rather in a much broader en whi h 41 Heikki Rai anen, "Galatian 2 :16 and Paul' Break with Judai m," ew Te tament tudies 31 (1985) : 544. He add "What entered the tage of H ii ge chichte 4 0 ar aft r Abraham wa the law , the whole law and nothing but th law . . . . It wa n t an ttitud ' that entered the world . . . , " Ibid ., 548 . 42 Richard B. Hay , The Faith of Jesu 'hri t: An Inve tigation of the arrative ub tructure of alatian 3:1- 4:11 , f Biblical Lit ratur Di n ( ht , A: h I r , 1 83) . UI e ory o nd th it 44 • Ho d , ri is in alatia , 5 . Human ti it , " b I n t n da "Th •
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