The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

166 A survey of Paul's use of the term "gospel" (EuayyE11tov ) affirms this under- standing. 68 Paul claims that this gospel was not given to him by man but "through a revelation of Jesus Christ (dnoKa11LhjJEwc; 'IricroO XptcrToO)" (1: 12). Four verses later when Paul describes the Christophany of the Damascus road he says that God "revealed ( dnoKa11uljJ m) his Son in me" with the singular purpose that "I might preach Him among the Gentiles" (1:16). Thus, as Paul speaks of the "gospel" he refers to his unique call to preach the Messiah to Gentiles. 69 Again, when Paul submits his message to the "pillars" in Antioch he describes it as "the gospel which I preach among the Gentiles" (2:2) and contrasts "the gospel to the uncircumcised" (To EuayyE11t0v T17c; dKpo~ucrT(ac;) with Peter's gospel to "the circumcised" (T17c; nEptT0µ17c;) (2:7-8). Certainly the distinction was not between Paul's gospel of faith and Peter's gospel of works but between two gospels of faith with one directed toward Gentiles and the other Jews. Finally, when Paul speaks of the Old Testament prophecy ..,. concerning the justification of Gentiles (3: 8-9) he refers to the "gospel" which was preached to Abraham, quoting Genesis 12:3 "All the nations shall be blessed in you. " Clearly his definition of "gospel" involves the inclusion of Gentiles. In addition to the way Paul uses the term , the narrative incidents which introduce the theological portion of the book also help sharpen the focus of Paul ' s meaning of 'go pel." In the story of Paul 's visit to Jerusalem (2: 1-10) Titu is presented a the te t ca e of Paul ' go pel. ignificantly, the i ue doe not concern the general validity of the law for that ould nt cheidende rkenntnis der paulini chen Bot chaft. Aber gerade un er Zu ammenhang zei t, daj3 z polemzs h orientiert ist an der Uberzeugung der'Jou aT01 . Daher i t d r B griff E ya oµou on di er au u ver teh n," chlier , alater, 91 (empha i min ) . 68 he ir t mention of the term (1 :6, 7 , 8, r n t d finiti but d ntr t P ul' o p I 1th th t o hi opponent who en ur ed th I ti n t t k on th I Purp e t 1 67.