The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture
171 what is the nature of the curse? Is the law itself the curse, that is, does Paul speak of "the cursed law" 81 or is the "curse of the law" to be found in the obligation to legal minutiae? The first place to begin the search for the answer to these questions and a more satisfying meaning to Paul's thought is in the source of his proof, the text of Deuteronomy 27. 82 Paul's quotation of Deuteronomy more closely follows the LXX text which inserts the word naatv (all the commands), which according to Tyson emphasizes the necessity to keep the law perfectly . 83 Paul's words can be compared with the possible sources of quotation in the table below . MT, Deut 27:26 7W~ 7~7~ 'IJ:;r:1-n~ - • ~'p:-~·s n~;;,-;,1;r-,;, • n,~ nitvl7S T - : - LXX, Deut 27: 26 'EmKaTapaToc; nae; av0pwnoc; oc; OUK Eµµ EVEl EV naat Tote; >.6yo tc; TOO voµou TOlJTOU not fjaat QUTOUc; . Gal 3:10 ,E TTl KaTapaToc; nae; oc; OUK Eµµ EVEl naatv Tote; yt:ypaµµtvotc; EV T4J ~l~Al4J TOO voµou TOO not fjaat auTa. It is unlikely however that this change of a word would signal a change in theology which i foreign to the context, which simply calls for covenant faithfulness not perfection . A clo er die Forderungen des Gesetzes in ihr Herz geschrieben!) Nach seiner Uberzeugung steht vielmehr die ganze Menschheit wegen ihrer Ubertretungen des Willen Gotte unter einem Fluch' (vgl. auch Rom 3: 19; nae; 6 Koaµoc;)," Franz MuBner , Der Galaterbrief (Freiburg: Herder , 1974), 224. Gaston considers the curse of the law to fall only on Gentile who k ep the law , Gaston , "Paul and the Law in Galatian 2-3," 45 . 81 chlier come clo e to this when he ay ' Der F luch de Ge etze i t d r Flu h, d n das Ge etz bringt und in diesem inne dann auch selb t i t ," chlier, Galater, 1 6. 82 ontra ander who argue that Paul cho e Deut ron my 27:26 f'. r hi pr not becau e of it original meaning but becau e it wa the nl Old Te tam nt r f r n hi h ombined the w rd 'cur e" and ' law ." "Tho who kn w m thin f m d rn fund m n- tali m will und r tand Paul' te hniqu . H wa n t n rned ith th m anin f bibli 1 p in th ir own anci nt nt t. H h d in riptur a t t r f rd and if h uld find pa hi h h d th right mbin ti n f rd , nd ti k th m t th r, h . cor d h1 p int," and r , Paul , 56. 8 on, 'W rk f th La " '
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