The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture
172 look at Paul's other modifications to the verse clue the reader to his point. He also includes the "formulaic expression" To1<; ycypaµµtvot<; fv T4J ~t~M41 ToO voµou which punctuates the whole of the cursing and blessing section of Deuteronomy (Deut 28:58, 61; 29: 19, 20, 26; 30: 10). 84 In addition the MT uses the word "all" to describe the necessary loyalty to the totality of the covenant frequently throughout the context (28:58; 29:29b; 32:46) . 85 Finally , the verse which Paul utilizes is actually the final and most comprehensive 86 of the curses in Deuteronomy 27 which calls the nation not to perfection but to covenant fidelity. 87 It seems best then to understand Paul's unique quotation as a conflation of texts summarizing the responsibility of the nation and the consequences which would come to Israel in the event of corporate apostasy. 84 " the formulaic expression ycypaµµtva lv T4J ~t~1.(41 TOO voµou TouTou which Paul cites in Gal. 3.10 runs through Deuteronomy 27-32 like a leitmotif (cf. Deut 28.58, 61; 29.19, 20, ·26; 20 .10)," James M. Scott, "'For as Many as are of Works of the Law are under a Curse' (Gal 3: 10) ," Paul and the Scriptures of Israel, Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement 83 (Sheffield: JSOT Press , n .d.) , 194-95. 85 Indeed , the covenant cursing and blessing section is demarcated with calls for loyalty to "all" the words of the law . The first verse (27:1) and the final verses of the section (32:46- 47) (and numerous times in between) , God reminds the people to keep all the words of the law. Deuteronomy 27: 1 states , "Then Moses and the elders of Israel charged the people , saying, 'Keep all the commandments (i1W~iJ-1?~)which I command you today ." Likewi e, the emphasis is obvious in 32:46-47 , "'Take to your heart all the words (t:l'":1'.;lliJ-1?J) with which I am warning you today, which you shall command your sons to observe carefully, even all the words of this law (n~~iJ i1Jir:liJ 'J:;r:r-1?~ ) . . . and by this word you shall prolong your days in the land . " "The secret things belong to the LORD our God , but the thing re ealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the word (J:;r:r - 1?~) of thi law ," (Deut 29 :29) . Other reference not already cited are 27 :3, 8; 28:1, 15 ; 30: , ; 1: , 12; 32:46. 86 cott tate that "The twelfth and final cur e , which Paul ite in Gal. · .10 , i th mo t comprehen i e, especially in the eptuagintal wording whi h amplifi it ith t no:<; nd thu ma e the cur e apply to 'e ryone' ho d not keep all thing ' th t r ritt n in th book f th law ," cott, alatian :10," 1 5. 87A rzeu un L re hten" d Epy oµou n h judi h r h iib r n nur b i d n
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