The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

17 received revelation and neglected it they were certainly punished. Thus , if the readers receive greater revelation, their responsibility, and therefore punishment for failure to obey , will be even greater. The author draws two examples from the Old Testament, one general (chapters 1-2) and one specific (chapters 3-4), to illustrate his case. In both examples he is careful to point out the difference in the revelation by following the comparison with which he began (1: 1-4), namely between the different messengers of that revelation. A General Comparison 1:5-2: 18 If the context of this section is not considered one might mistakenly think that the author's point is simply a comparison between the person of Christ and that of angels. 24 If this were the writer's concern the comment by A. B. Bruce would certainly be appropriate . A modern interpreter would not be sorry to pass over in silence this section about ~ngels. It is an unwelcome task to consider gravely a proof that Christ is greater than angels; the thing to be proved is so much a matter of course.... The subject was probably a weariness to the writer of our Epistle. 25 Bruce's comments are understandable if the reader only focuses upon the actual comparison revelation and the better of the recent revelation could coexist. The compari on in chapt r five and following however is of a different nature. The theme become one of replacement with the new making the old obsolete, rather than simply repre enting an impro ement. Thu , the fir t four chapters differ in content and contribution to the me age and are rightl considered a a eparate unit. 24 The frequent mention of angel in the e two chapter id ntify them a a maJ r divi ion. The two expo itional ections of chapter 1- 2 (1 :5-14 and 2 :5- 18) ar a il identified and erve to fram the warning pa age f 2: 1-4 . An inclu io r t bra k t nd identify each ection . f . D. A. Black, "Th Problem f the Literar tru tur f H br An valuation and a Propo al , " race Theological Journal 7 (1 6) :1 LS ' to which of th angel did He ver a " 1:13 " to hich of th ng l ha H id " 2:5 "H did n t ubj : 1 "He d A. B. Bru , 'he pt tie to the Hebrel ( dinbur h 1 rk, 1 9),