The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

3:19 3:22 3:23 3:23 3:24 3:25 4:2 4:3 o voµoc; . . . TTpoanteri auvfr111:1a1:v ~ ypa<j>~ UTT() voµov f<j>poupouµE0a auyK11noµ1:vo1 0 voµoc; TTat8aywyoc; ~µwv YEYOVEV OUKETl UTTO TTat8aywyc5v foµEv UTT() ETTlTpOTTOUc; fmlv Kal OLKOvoµouc; UTTO TO: ITTOlXE1a TOO Koaµou ~µE0a 81:8ou11wµtvo1 axpic; OU E110i:i TO aTTEpµa ~ ETT~yy1:11Tat '(va ~ foayy1:11(a EK TTIITTEwc;'I riaoO XptmoO 8o0fj npo TOO 8£ f110E1v T~V TTIITTLV de; T~v µ€1111ouaav TTtITTtv o:TT0Ka11u<j>0~vm de; XptaTOV f 118ouaric; 8E T~c; TTIITTEwc; axpi T~c; TTpo01:aµ(ac; TOO TTaTpoc; . OTE 8E ~1181:v TO TTll~pwµa TOO xpovou, f~aTTEITTEl/\ EV o 01:oc; TOV ulov aUTOO 188 The law characterized one fundamental time category and Christ characterizes another. Paul peppers his sentences with time indicators which emphasize the shift from one aeon to another: "The law was given until the coming of the seed;" "we were held under the law before the coming of faith; " "we are no longer under a pedagogue; " "under guardians and managers until the time set;" and "while we were children." Thus it can be seen that the fundamental categories of Paul's thought in these two chapters is upon the epochal time shift which has occurred with the coming of Christ. In Paul's recital of redemption history the role of the Law was clearly temporary until the time of Messiah. And Burton is correct when he says in reference to verse 24 that "the reference [is not] to the individual experience under law as bringing men individually to faith in Christ. For the context makes it clear that the apostle is speaking , rather, of the historic succession of one period of revelation upon another and the displacement of the law by Christ. " 125 Thus, in Paul 's writing in this chapter he defines n(aT£wc; 'h1aoO XptaToO as "the faithfulness of Christ (abbreviating hi reference to it as merely TllY n(anv ) in accompli hing redemption and the new age which it ha intro– duced . " A Bornkamm says: . . . the train of thought in Gal . 3- 6 . . . i concerned with al ati n-hi t r nd e chatology : od ha made an end of th old a on, in whi h all m n r h ld pti under th law and th world pow r in which all m n r h ld pti und r th I and th world po r (aTot ~ 1a Tou oaµou) nd h l d u , b th ndin f hi mBurton , alaflan , 00