The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture
189 Son, to the promised freedom of the sons of God. 126 Paul's final reference to faith in chapter three comes in verse twenty-six where he begins to draw this phase of his argument to a close. He states: "navTE<; yap ulol 8Eo0 t crTE 8ta TJl<; ntITTEwc; lv XptcrT<flricroO," which the NIV translates, "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus." This reading would emphasize human faith in Christ as the means of sonship, which is a viable option. Another option is grammatically possible, however , which also has broader contextual support. That option is to understand 8ta TJl<; n fcrTEwc; , and lv XptcrT<flricrou as two separate phrases which modify of the main sentence "You are all sons of God . " 127 The NRSV accordingly translates the verse "for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith." Several contextual clues support this separation of the phrases. First , precedent can be found in Pauline literature for separating the two phrases . In Romans 3:25 where a very similar construction occurs , 8ta nfcrTEw<; lv T4J mhoO a'tµan, 128 the phrase " through faith " is almost certainly to be separated from ' in his blood ," thus avo iding the "awkwardness of a second modal clause . " 129 Second , the articular reference 126 Giinther Bornkamm, "The Revelation of Christ to Paul on the Dama cu Road ," 95 . 127 Schl ier notes, "Da lv Xp tcrT4l' Iri crou gehort nicht zu 8ta TJl<; nfcrTEwc;. Paulu redet auch son t nie von einer n(crnc; lv XptcrT(ij' Iri crou im Sinne eine Glauben an hristus Jesus , sondern von n(crnc; XptcrTou' Iri crou . .. " Schlier , Galater, 171. Betz tat " It i hrist a the ' on of God' who makes adoption a ' on ' available through the gift f the pirit. Two formulae tate the conditions fo r thi adoption: 'through the faith ' ( ta TJl <; n(an:wc;) and through incorporation in the body of hri t ,' i.e ., in hri t Je u , " B tz, alatian , 186 (empha i mine) . He al o ay in reference to 3 : 6 that "Th tat m nt i conci e and include a number f theological f rmu lae whi h mu t b r gniz d and th n related to their re p ctive conte t . " Ibid ., 185 . 18 Manu cript B, 3 , DC, K , P , \fl , phr , ota TJl<; n(crT we;, which m r upp rpr tm it p rall I t 1 9 ru , a/attan , 17 1. 3, 1 nd r I th r in lud th arti 1 in th t obj tif th phra . It uld I m k n
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