The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

203 time under a pedagogue which is brought to a close by the faithfulness and now that the faithfulness has come we are no longer under a tutor (3 :23-25). Thus, in Paul ' s discussion, to be "of the works of the law" is not only to be identified with Moses but to be identified with a distinct period of history which has been superseded by "the faith. " In turn, " the faith " then is not simply "the faithfulness of Jesus Christ" on Calvary but also the new epoch which it has introduced. Conclusion We have sought to demonstrate that the theology of law which Paul articulates in Galatians can only be understood as the answer to the specific , historical situation of the Galatian believers . While it is most likely true that the Galatian churches were composed of a Jewish/Gentile mix of people, Paul ' s argument is clearly directed toward those Gentiles who have been rempted to secure Abrahamic blessing in the Law . He counters this false notion by demonstrating that Gentiles are blessed with Abraham' s blessings not by being " in the law ' but by being " in the seed of Abraham." Since that seed has now come , Gentil es are ble ed di rectly in him. God has fulfilled the promises to Abraham by mean of Calvary. Simply tated, if Gentiles are in Christ then they are sons of Abraham. Paul ' argument again t the law, then in this book is not so much ontological a it i chronological. 164 The rol of th la in redemption hi tory has been ful fi lled and the promi ed eed ha come in whi h G ntil ar le ed. or Gentile to eek the ble ing of Abraham in law i t d n that th b i f th ir ontol t "A n TTOI " '