The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

220 This, the definitive point on the historical-redemptive timeline, has profound implications for both Israel but particularly for the nations. Paul argues that God's original commitment to Abraham promised that Gentiles would be blessed "in him." Through the unfolding of the story of Genesis it was clear that "in him," meant specifically "in Abraham's seed, which is Christ." Paul's point then is that since the seed has come, and believing Gentiles are "in Christ," they are therefore blessed with Abrahamic sonship and blessing. That is, since the Galatians are "in Christ" they have already qualified as heirs of Abraham. Paul then clarifies the limited role of the law in this blessing. In redemption history the law was by no means the channel of Abrahamic blessing; rather, it brought a curse. It's role was to bring Israel under a curse in order to lead her to Christ who would redeem Israel from the curse of the Law. Thus, the role of the law in redemptive history was limited to the nation of Israel, limited by time and limited to a purpose of cursing from which only the seed could redeem them. Now that the seed has come and Gentiles find their blessing "in Him," it is a folly of infinite proportions, not to mention a denial of the source of their blessing, to return to the pre-messianic era by attempting to find Abrahamic blessing in the law. Thus, the inclusion of Gentiles in the blessings of Abraham is accomplished by their incorporation in Christ rather than in Law. If this is an accurate summary of what Paul has said in hi epi tle , then we ar now able to speak to the i sue of what Paul has not said. In light of the fact that Paul' argument i addres ed to a pecific, historical ituation we hould point out that the b ok of alatian hould not be understood a Paul ' theology of law . Hi di cu ion i d on the relation hip of Gentile to the law and the role of th la do ot addr the r lationship of J i h b li er to th la 184 and it i 1 r th t th r 1 184 c pt m : 1 - 0 her P ul (1) th 1 1 in uf i i nt