The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

223 exhortation is simply that Judaism as defined by the Old Covenant no longer exists as a viable option in God's economy. It has been superceded and abrogated by the New Covenant. Thus, regardless of any other New Testament regulation, it would be impossible for a Jewish believer, having been enlightened by the truth of Hebrews to, in good conscience, participate in Old Covenant cultic worship. Acts The book of Acts is a theological history from an earlier time period than Hebrews. The book begins with the promise and fulfillment of the gift of the Spirit which Peter interprets as a sign of eschatological blessing promised by the prophet Joel. He and his fellows understand that New Covenant blessing has come. In chapter 8 the gospel begins to spread and by chapters 10 and 15 Gentiles are introduced and welcomed into the growing Church. Though many understand the rejection of Judaism to be a prerequisite to the Gentile mission we ·have concluded it was not. The Cornelius incident (chapters 10-11) and the Jerusalem Council (chapter 15) do teach the acceptance of Gentiles into the Church but do not imply a corresponding rejection of Israel. Though the majority of the nation had rejected Messiah, Luke ee God till working through believing Messianic Jew who reach out to include Gentile . These believing Jew see Mes iah a the fulfillment of God' promi e t them and eek to expres their faithfulne to God through obedience to th riptur a given by Mo e . They do not ee faith in Je u a th Me iah a a r J ti n f Jud i m r th founding of a new religion but an affirmation that 'th final n and int nt f Jud i m h d been born . " 1 n Paul, wh e argu g in t th L in hi pi cl ' i n d m n tratin hi t th L m 1. 1 D ic , "Paul nd th fl t1 n n Pitt II in Int rpr t · tt n ,"