The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

35 enigma, however in 9:8-10, which serves not only to define the meaning of the passage before (9:1-7), but more importantly of the passage which follows (9:11-14). In 9:7 he cites three limitations to access to God in the Holy place under the old covenant : (1) only the high priest could enter (2) only once a year and , (3) never without blood. The point is stated directly in 9:8, "The Holy Spirit was showing by this 51 that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing . " Simply stated , the warp and woof of the old covenant regulations reminded the worshipper that direct access to God was basically unavailable to him (9:8). 52 The whole Mosaic system simply reinforced the reality which was inherent to the Aaronic priesthood : cleansing of the inner man was not accomplished (9: 9-10). This (9: 1-10) serves as the foil for the new state of affairs (9 :11-14). What was unavailable under the old covenant is now a reality. Christ changed this stat~ of affairs when he became high priest by gaining access to God (9:11) and clean ed the inner !Ilan (9 :12- 14) . It becomes clearer with each paragraph that the old regulation have no place in the new system of worship . This is why the author ' s next word are "For th i reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant .. . " (9 :15). Hav ing established the fact that Christ has changed thi state of affair , the author now (9 :15-28) focuse upon the exact timing of the change from old to new co enant. H begins with the princ iple that a will and it attendant benefit are onl e e uted up n th d ath of the one making it (9 : 15- 17) . 53 He then move to the ign f the inaugurati n of th M 51 pecifically , 9 :7 and that which lead up t it , :1- . 2 5 i th pr ·ictim h Heb, eu; and H rm n utt s, nd it furni hin m ultu , " Ibid . , 4 m nm m 1 , ~hr d th f th But