The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture
53 stated early in the book (1:8) we should be careful to let Stephen's speech interpret itself. The Meaning of Stephen's Defense The point of Stephen's speech has been the object of much debate. Is it unrelated to the accusations brought against him or is it a recital of hellenistic theology? To answer these questions we will look at the accusations brought against him, and the themes of his speech. The Accusations against Stephen The formal charges against Stephen appear to be twofold, including a general statement (6: 13) and then the specification of it (6: 14). Speaking against this holy place (6: 13) seems to be defined by Jesus will destroy this place (6: 14), while speaking against the Law (6: 13) is equivalent to altering the customs which Moses handed down to us (6: 14). 22 While Luke labels the accusations against Stephen as false (6: 13) , many question exactly how 23 false they were. The question is a significant one because of its relation hip to 22 Dupont sees an intensification of the charges, "Les lecteurs ont ete prevenu d 'abord d ' une inculpation tres generale . Ses accusateurs disaient : ' Nou l' avon entendu profe rer de paroles blasphematoires contre Mo'ise et contre Dieu ' (6 :11) . Le grief devient plu preci au v. 13 : ' Cet homme ne cesse de proferer des paroles contre le Lieu aint et la Loi .' Enfin la formulation du v . 14 explicite exactement !'imputation: ' Nou l' avon entendu dir qu J' u , ce azoreen , detruirait ce Lieu et changerait le coutume que Mo'i e nou a tran mi '" Jacque Dupont , "La tructure oratoire du di cour d 'Etienne (Acte 7)," Biblica 66 (19 ) : 157. 'one omn ntar o th a1 hall 1 o , l hm
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