The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

64 7:46), Solomon wrongly built a house (otKoc;, 7:47). First, the 8t of 7:47 is not adversative indicating a change from an attitude of divine approval to one of disapproval , but merely that David originated the plan and Solomon fulfilled it. Second, interpreting Solomon's building of a house as contrary to the divine intention is artificial since this wording corresponds to the Old Testament references. Solomon states, "So I intend to build a house for the name of the LORD my God, as the LORD said to my father David, 'Your son, whom I will set on your throne in your place, shall build the house (otKoc;, LXX) for my name."' 1 Kings 5:5 . 44 Stephen's next words, "However, (d1111a) the Most High does not dwell in houses ... " (7:48) do clearly indicate a contrast, the exact nature of which , is hotly debat– ed.45 Does Stephen continue in the tradition of faithfulness to the Law and Temple which he has established thus far in his narrative or does he depart from that view here? Does he stand with Moses and the Law or is he now giving new revelation which opposes Moses? Hurst ., captures the issue well when referring to these verses (7:47-50) he says, "My question, however, is this: Does Acts 7 stand in a thoroughly well-precedented prophetic tradition , or (Dieu n'avait-il pas lui-meme ordonne la construction de la Tente du Temoignage ?), e t an commune mesure avec le ton agressif des vv. 35-43," Boismard , "Le Martyre D 'Etienne : Actes 6:8- 8:2," 185-86 . 44 f . al o the original giving of the promi e a well, 2 Samuel 7:1 and 1 hr ni 1 17:12. Judat m , ), 1 7