The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

80 The Place of Cornelius in Relation to Judaism Luke clearly describes Cornelius as a pious follower of the God of Israel. What is not so clear is exactly where along the Jewish/Gentile spectrum he belongs. 75 The discus– sion revolves around the meaning of the significant terms with which Luke describes Cornelius such as devout (EuaE~~c;) and Godjearing (cpo~ouµcvoc; Tov 8cov ). Do these terms describe Cornelius as a member of a distinctive class of Gentiles which were attracted to the synagogue and adopted the Jewish religion or, differently, do they merely depict his character as pious? Lake asks the question well: "The point at issue is to what extent cpo~ouµcvot Tov 8c6v is a technical description of the non-Jewish fringe attending the Synagogue, or is merely an honourable epithet applicable to Jew, Gentile, or Proselyte , as the context may decide. " 76 Luke uses two similar participles (or participial phrases) in his work, fearing God (cpo~ouµiyoc; Tov 8cov ) and worshiping God (crc~oµfvoc; Tov 8c6v ), the former five and the _, latter 77 six times. The first two instances (10:2, 22) describe Cornelius himself while the third (10:35) seems to refer generally to pious individuals in any nation . The last two instances which involve cpo~ouµcvoc; (13: 16, 26) could either be appositives referring to faithful Jews whether Peter was ever worried by such scruples, and hence whether Luke intend to record a step forward in his liberation from them," Marshall, Acts, 180. 75 Tho e Gentile which were attracted to Judaism and cho e to convert to it full adopted the Jewi h way of life and took the final step of conversion, namely, circumci i n . According to biblical and rabbinic law the e Gentile were con idered in all re pe t Je i h and were termed proselytes, BAG, .v. "npoaTlAUToc; , " and Kir opp Lak , "Pro el te and od-fearer " in The Beginning of 'hri tianity, Part One : The ct of th po tl , ed . F. J . oake , and Kir opp Lake ( rand Rapid : Baker Book Hou e, 19 6) , 4 : 0- 4 . Luk thi term to de cribe thi cla o people el ewh re (Act 2:11 ; 6: and 1 :4 ), and, d apply it to orneliu , who wa , of cour e, n t circum i ed ( 11 : ) . 76 L , "Pro elyte and od-fear r , " 4 . 77 A t 10: , 2, 5; 1 . 1 , ; 7: 17 nd , 0, 1 :14; 17: , 17 ; 1 .7, r ti 1 .