The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

not be read anachronistically into Paul or Acts. A survey of four critical episodes in Acts (Acts 7; 10-11; 15; 21) revealed that Jewish believers did not see the acceptance of Jesus as Messiah as the rejection of Judaism. Rather they continued to express their faithfulness to God through obedience to the scriptures as given by Moses. Those who are free from the Law in the book of Acts (chapters 10- 11 and 15) are those who have always been exempted from the Law, namely, Gentiles. Paul's purpose in writing the book of Galatians was neither to give a theology of law nor to speak to the issue of the Jewish believer's obligation to law, but rather to answer the specific question, "Must Gentiles become Jewish in order to share in the blessings of Abraham?" Paul's pointed answer is that Gentiles receive the blessings of Abraham only in Christ and not in law. Thus, between A.D. 30 and 70 Jewish believers observed the law while Gentiles did not. ,,