The Relationship of Jewish and Gentile Believers to the Law Between A.D. 30 and 70 in the Scripture

Rejection by the Council of Jesus and the Spread of the Word Conclusion Acts 10: 1-11 :18, Cornelius The Significance of Simon the Tanner The Place of Cornelius in Relation to Judaism Peter ' s Vision: The Possibilities of Meaning A Reference to Food and Then People A Reference Just to People Conclusion Acts 15: 1-16:3, The Jerusalem Council The Occasion 15 :1-5 The People Involved The Issue Involved The Discussion 15:6-18 The Place of the Law in Gentile Salvation 15 :7-11 The Place of the Law after Gentile Salvation 15: 13-1 8 The text of James' quotation The meaning of James ' quotation The theology of James ' quotation The contribution of James ' quotation The Decree 15: 19-29 The Ethical Understanding The Ceremonial Understanding The Demonstration 16:1-3 Conclusion ·Acts 21 :17-26, Paul in Jerusalem The Incident The Beneficiaries of Paul 's Action The Nature of Paul ' s Action The Interpretation Conclusion 3. THE BOOK OF GALATIANS: GENTILES ARE NOT UNDER THE MOSAIC LAW ............................. . . .. . Recent Approaches to the Book Human Effort vs. Human Faith The View of the Reformer An Evaluation A Reformed View and Variation An valuation Jewi h xclu ivi m v . Human Faith Human Activity v . Divine A tivity xclu i i m of th Law v . Di Human A ti ity v . aithfuln An v luation A Prop d Typ f M ning An pl n i n f th upp rt r th t lV 146