The Idea of an Essay, Volume 2

108 “America’s Responsibility in a War Not Our Own” by Rebecca Ehnert Instructor’s Notes In this persuasive essay, Rebecca sets up a duel argument: the US was partially responsible for the plight of the Mayan people in Guatemala, and, thus, is responsible to provide aid. Notice how she supports and refers to those arguments throughout the essay, never losing sight of her purpose in writing. Using references to her thesis like, “obligation to help,” “should provide continued assistance,” and “must take responsibility,” to support the first half of her argument and “America’s obsession with ending communism,” “the American-backed army targeted the indigenous people,” and “partially responsible for the economic hardships” to support the second half of her argument, Rebecca supports her thesis well. Writers’ Biography Rebecca Ehnert is studying Spanish at Cedarville with a psychology minor and is in the honors program. She enjoys academic writing including research papers. She likes to travel and hopes to work in a cross-cultural ministry setting. America’s Responsibility in a War Not Our Own I walk down the main street in the center of the small Guatemalan town, smiling at passersby as I go along. I come to a woman dressed in a colorfully decorated traditional outfit and look directly at her. Her unique outfit, short-stature, and dark skin are clear signs that she has mostly indigenous Mayan ancestry. Although I smile, she quickly turns her face and looks the other way. I cannot figure out why she, like the other Mayan people I have come across, is timid – almost fearful. Only later do I realize how strongly the society of Guatemala affects the mindsets of these indigenous people. The Mayan people of Guatemala are social outcasts, nearly invisible. This has been especially true since the recent civil war in which the army specifically targeted the Mayan people. This civil