The Idea of an Essay, Volume 2

158 was a decade earlier (94%)” (Mitchell . These are fascinating facts to consider in a modern radio world. In roughly a decade, listenership numbers have dropped only slightly. The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism’s State of the Media report records more intriguing statistics. One example is the usage of online radio by listeners has grown rapidly in the past couple of years, roughly 39% in 2012 compared to 27% in 2010 (Mitchell ). Talk radio continues to be very popular, with conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh boasting the most listened to show in 2012 with 15 million listeners (Mitchell ). Satellite radio also continues to remain prominent among listeners as SiriusXM® attracted a record number of subscribers in 2012: 2 million new subscribers bringing the total to 23.9 million (Mitchell ). There is large quantity and growth in radio listenership in 2012, which suggests that radio has a place in our current age. These numbers show a common theme of use of radio as a means of media in this current age. This is a powerful discovery, as the belief that radio is dead appears to be untrue. “…technology and communication do not operate independently of one another, but instead are bound together via the influence of the field of science” (Barboutis 156). As technology is used by radio to enhance listenership, communication grows with that listenership. Additionally, online and mobile radio is projected to see the steadiest increases over the years ahead (Mitchell ). “From the standpoint of uses and grati cation theory, it is clear that the radio stations examined and analyzed in this study were trying to expand the ways they can interact and engage their listeners and thereby increase their loyal following. One of the ways to do that is through the use of mobile technology and via the embedded social media platforms” (Rosales 255).As seen by the case study and the statistics, technological improvements and advances are areas of growth for radio. As defined earlier, technology and communication are inseparable, and radio is a communication outlet improving in many areas with technology. This would suggest that radio’s relevancy in today’s media is not only vast, but also growing. However, there are certain factors to consider that could speak to the potential for radio to decline in coming years. The first consideration is the overall earnings for radio