The Idea of an Essay, Volume 2
23 only the most natural, but worked the most successfully. Writing was a treasure I held onto dearly. It took me on a journey through the years that I never imagined possible. Putting words onto a page seems like such a simple concept, and maybe it is, but it taught me so much more than creating a well flowing sentence. Beauty appeared around me in the simplest of things or ideas as I realized that the most skillful writing comes from taking the time to notice this always-present beauty of life. Poetry taught me to appreciate the small moments in life so that when I formed these moments into a work of art on a page others could then see these moments in their own life. After years of struggling to write what I thought was poetry worth sharing, poetry now takes my hand and leads me step by step through each special moment in my life and stops me when I begin to rush, saying “Take the time to write this down, so when the moment is long gone and you’re feeling lost, you can come back to this moment, and it will be as if it never left you.”
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