The Idea of an Essay, Volume 4
118 The Idea of an Essay: Volume 4 This article discusses ideas about reading comprehension for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Specifically, the article presents a series of vignettes about a boy with ASD regarding three different theories explaining cognitive processes: Theory of Mind, Weak Central Coherence, and Executive Function. The authors eventually provide an overview discussing how individuals with ASD relate to the rules and meaning of language as well as vocabulary. The authors effectively present different solutions or options for helping students with ASD improve their reading comprehension, and each solution includes a small example that can help with practical application. Overall, the authors argue that increasing reading comprehension for children with ASD is a big commitment that requires an understanding of the cognitive profiles of students with ASD. Many of the ideas and suggestions presented in this article could be used to support and expository essay that discusses literacy and its effects on special education and autism. Moreover, the information regarding linking language to comprehension and the application suggestions for helping students with ASD improve reading comprehension is especially useful for discussing special education techniques. Fleury, Veronica P., et al. “Promoting Active Participation In Book Reading For Preschoolers With Autism SpectrumDisorder: A Preliminary Study.” Child Language Teaching & Therapy 30.3 (2014): 273-288. Online. Fleury’s article offers the idea that active participation is overall better than passive participation when interacting with children with ASD through book reading. Taking a structural approach, Fleury and the other authors discuss the aspects of dialogic reading (adults asking intentional questions to encourage children to talk about books), then they discuss children
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