The Idea of an Essay, Volume 4

154 The Idea of an Essay: Volume 4 says, “Oral strategies provide multiple ways for effectively engaging a people group to readily involve oral communicators in efforts to reach their own people group and others with the gospel. Storying is one reproducible evangelistic and church-planting approach – new believers can readily share the gospel, plant new churches and disciple new believers in the same way that they themselves were reached and discipled.” There are differences in methods, but every single Christian who lived in the past, living now, and will live, have one desire that God will be glorified. When the history of human being started, human race only had oral culture. Literate culture started slowly coming in, and Gutenberg radically changed the way people here the Gospel, and the way Christians pursue Jesus. Now, because of the new technologies, two cultures are getting blended. Lovejoy leaves a challenge for churches andChristians and says organizations are to “ride the next wave of Kingdom advancement by developing and implementing methods for effective oral strategies. Partners, networks, seminaries, mission agencies, conference and workshop leaders, as well as other Christian influencers are called upon to recognize the issues of orality in the world around them. We all need to become intentional in making disciples of oral learners. We need to raise awareness, initiate oral communication projects and train missionaries and local leaders in chronological Bible storying as an effective church-planting strategy.” Thus, it is important for Christians to not only focus on literacy, but also to focus on orality. Christians are to utilize both of them wisely, and effectively reach out, disciple, and expand the Kingdom of God for the glory of God. Works Cited Labbo, Linda D. “What I Learned About New Literacies In Church.” New England Reading Association Journal 43.1 (2007): 8-14. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 6 Apr. 2016. Lovejoy, Grant, et al. “Making Disciples of Oral Learners.” Lausanne Occasional Paper 54 (2004): 7-64. Print. Jagerson, Jennifer. “Harnessing the Power of Narrative: Literacy and Orality in Christian Education.” CEJ 3.11 (2014): 259-275. Print.