The Idea of an Essay, Volume 4

Analysis & Response 85 captures the viewer’s attention, whereas artificial light would remove the natural element from the sculpture. Bashaw uses a variety of raw materials to create the sculpture such as bamboo, water, and wood. The bamboo serves not only as the main structural component, but it also serves as a musical instrument viewers can play by tapping or rubbing thin wooden sticks up and down the bamboo. Another element of the sculpture, water, creates the gentle sound of rain. Wood is yet another significant natural component. One of the main sculpture instruments is a large xylophone, comprised almost solely of wood. In addition, Bashaw also incorporates natural sounds which promote the organic feel of the piece. He achieves sounds such as “thunder” emanating from the drum, rain resonating from the metal funnels, and perhaps, using one’s imagination, even woodpeckers pecking on trees by striking the bamboo with wooden sticks. Bashaw skillfully highlights the world’s beauty through his use of unique, natural elements. Bashaw further enhances the piece by using diverse natural and man-made textures. Not only are these textures aesthetically appealing, but each texture also plays an important role in the instruments and specific sounds. The predominant element of the piece, bamboo, contains two different textures. The main section is smooth. The bamboo joints create a ribbed texture. Various sounds emanate as wooden sticks run across the smooth bamboo surface and then abruptly strike the rough edges of the bamboo joints. Gongs are also highlighted in the sculpture. Each gong produces a different sound and tone when struck. Some of the gongs are smooth while others have shallow to deep ridges. The ridges significantly affect the tone produced. In addition, Bashaw incorporates aluminum cans into the sculpture. A portion of the can is smooth while the other portion is ribbed. The predominant sound associated with the aluminum cans is harsh and piercing. The harsh sounds of the cans may be associated with the harsh sounds found in nature such as thunder. Bashawbrilliantly incorporatesmusic into art using interactive instruments made from natural and man-made materials. The xylophone, a featured instrument, is crafted almost completely out of wood. Not only is its size remarkable, but the various pitches