The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)

Guliuzza and Gaskill ◀ How organisms continuously track environmental changes ▶ 2018 ICC 179 Table 2 continued. Table 2 continued on next page. Mechanism Action Reference Research Entity Results Descriptive Extract of Function in CET Framework 11. Hyper-Mutability Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and SOS mechanism within bacteria trigger a state of hypermutability which produces increased genetic variability. Kohanski, et al. 2010. Sublethal Antibiotic Treat- ment Leads to Mul- tidrug Resistance via Radical-Induced Mutagenesis. Mo- lecular Cell E. coli, S. aureus and an E. coli clini- cal isolate Increasing ROS levels are sensed with internal mechanisms initiating higher mutation rates with up to an eightfold rise (in the case of norfloxacin.) Bacteria use adversity as a stimulus to adapt to almost everything. Bacteria fill niches with increasing minimal inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics due to the increased probability of mutant strains possessing traits to overcome antibiotic challenges. 12. Regulated Tran- scriptome Plasticity by RNA Editing Proteome diver- sity amplified by post-transcription- al mechanisms that dynamically modify RNA bases on the fly via a fine-tun- ing process that enriches genetic information be- yond the genomic blueprint. Porath, et al. 2017. A-to-I RNA Editing in the Earliest-Diverging Eumetazoan Phyla. Molecular Biology and Evolution Eumetazoan Phyla corals At over 500,000 sites in coral genes the sequence had been altered with RNA editing. RNA editing levels increase during spawning and in newly released gametes. RNA editing patterns in corals resembled those found in mammals. RNA editing is known to be involved in the adaptation and function of the nervous system where lightning-quick responses are required. Liscovitch-Brau- er, et al. 2017. Trade-off between Transcriptome Plasticity and Ge- nome Evolution in Cephalopods. Cell Diverse cephalo- pods “Why would the coleoids choose to alter genetic information within RNA rather than hardwire the change in DNA? There are several potential advantages to making changes within RNA. First of all, the changes are transient. Thus, an organism can choose to turn them on or off, providing phenotypic flexibility, a quality that is particularly useful for environmental acclimation...RNA- level changes can better augment genetic diversity. With DNA, an organism is limited to two alleles. With RNA, all messages need not be edited, and thus the pool of mRNAs can include edited or unedited versions at given sites. When a message contains more than one site, complexity can increase exponentially" p. 200.