The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)

Guliuzza and Gaskill ◀ How organisms continuously track environmental changes ▶ 2018 ICC 181 Table 2 continued. Table 2 continued on next page. Mechanism Action Reference Research Entity Results Descriptive Extract of Function in CET Framework 16. Hybridization: Genetic mixing through sexual reproduction of two different varieties (breeds, species, genera) of organisms. Seehausen, 2013. Conditions when hybrid- ization might predispose populations for adaptive radi- ation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology Review article a) Adaptive introgression: a population acquires adaptive alleles though hybridization, b) Recombination links or unlinks genes which further promote adaptation and/or speciation. “Hybrid speciation has been quite well documented, and hybridization appears to be particularly common in the most species-rich and rapidly diversifying groups of organisms” p. 279. 1) rapid diversification of organisms to fill new niches 2) restored diversity enables population to backtrack or make a “U”-turn from genetic dead-end due to loss of genetic diversity “Through enrichment in standing genetic variation, hybridization can boost heritability in adaptive traits and increase realized rates of adaptive evolution. This mechanism is instantaneously effective. It may bring some genotypes in a hybrid population instantaneously into the attraction zone of an adaptive peak that neither parental population could tap into because of lack of suitable variation” p. 279.