The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)

Figure 4 as mentioned above. The naturalistic interpretation of the solutions is to extrapolate all the way to 0 R = . As creationists we do not necessarily extrapolate back to 0 R = . Since the function ( ) B t r is arbitrary the creationist reply is to choose the freedom in the function ( ) B t r in a way that it aligns some spacelike hypersurface to correspond with the creation moment. Specifically, we can specify the creation surface via a function ( ) C t t r = . This function depends upon the radial coordinate so that a consistent solution can be achieved by taking a function such that (0) C t t − is only thousands of years, while as the radial coordinate r increases, the time (relative to the comoving “synchronized” time) to the creation surface also increases, reaching values consistent with observational astronomy. In a certain sense this means the earth is young and the distant universe is “old” (relative to the comoving earth clocks). But, as will be discussed later, this does not mean the distant universe has necessarily aged billions of years. As an example of specifying the function ( ) B t r we can choose the function so that 0 R = of the “Big Bang” in the “bar bell” cosmology all occur at t=0 . When we do this, we obtain the cosmology shown in Figure 7. This feature of “non-simultaneous” Big Bangs in the inhomogeneous models has been noted in the literature. Enqvist (2008), in an analysis of accelerated expansion of the universe, states that, “The universe could have an inhomogeneous big bang, where the universe came into being at different times at different points , and/or an inhomogeneous matter density.” (Emphasis added.) This idea is consistent with the YEC model proposed here. We should note that the Enqvist quote does not preclude, due to the relativity of time, the simultaneity of creation though occurring at conceivably different comoving time coordinates. All our theory requires is that the miraculous period of creation occur within a literal week everywhere in the cosmos. Since simultaneity is strictly not determined by time coordinates, we are free to choose any consistent spacelike hypersurface as the simultaneous “now” for the days of the creation week. To that task we now turn. 11. A non-simultaneous Big Bang solution Motivated by the results of the prior section, let us consider a cosmology with a smooth “creation surface” and smooth initial density. As a model case, we consider the homogeneous FLRW cosmology. The FLRW is given by the metric in equation (11) above. ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 2 2 2 2 K ds dt a t d f d χ χ = − + + Ω As shown in the prior sections GR and the principle of relativity in general allows any spacelike surface to be an acceptable surface for a present “now,” and the same applies to the moment of creation. We can exploit the freedom of specifying initial surfaces to select a spacelike surface that would be “old” at remote locations and young near the earth. We are going to cut the “Gordian Knot” of the distant starlight by choosing a spacelike surface that has an “old” universe (in a sense that will become clear) for spatially remote locations, and a young earth. Rejecting the uniformitarian assumption of extrapolating cosmological data to a past creation Dennis ◀ Young earth relativistic cosmology ▶ 2018 ICC 24 Figure 6. Temporal development of the inhomogeneous “bar bell” cosmology showing the “non-simultaneous big bangs.” Proper time is vertical. The “south” pole ( r=0 ) is at the left and the “north” pole at the right. Contours of the “radius” R of the universe are shown in all three regions. The contour interval is / 2 g r M = . The coordinate system is comoving with clocks synchronized to zero at maximum expansion in the horizontal center line of the graph. Comoving time-like geodesics are specified by a constant value of r , and are thus vertical lines in the figure. For this choice we see that the “big bang” in the denser “south pole” region occurred later than the “big bang” in the “north pole” region. Also, regions of the Schwarzschild waist come into existence at different times. The vertical dashed lines mark the boundaries between the FLRW regions and the Schwarzschild waist in the middle of the graph. The lines R=0 are the boundaries of the space-time. R=0 at the bottom of the figure is the “big bang” and R=0 at the top of the figure is the “big crunch.” Though not labeled in the graph, R=0 at the south pole and the north pole. Figure 7. Similar to Figure 6 , the temporal development of the inhomogeneous “bar bell” cosmology where the “time to the big bang” 0 ( ) t r has been set so that there are “simultaneous big bangs” at time 0 t =  , i.e. all clocks are synchronized at the single “big bang.” Note that as the new “cosmic time” t advances that the FLRW at the south pole encounters the big crunch before portions of the Schwarzschild waist and the FLRW region at the north pole. The Schwarzschild waist at 0 r encounters the crunch first. At that time the two FLRW regions become disconnected. All other explanations in Figure 6 apply also.