The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)

three-dimensional hypersurface t Σ along with the lapse and shift functions, N and j β : ( )( ) 2 2 2 i i j j ij ds N dt dx dt dx dt γ β β = − + + + (22) When equation (22) is compared with equation (20) above one obtains, the following: Lapse function N : ( ) ( ) ( , ) cosh cosh cosh N a b a τ ρ τ ρ ρ η ρ = − = Shift vector β : sinh ,0,0 j b ρ β   =     Metric of t Σ : γ= b 2 a 2 (η)dρ ⊗ dρ+a 2 (η)f K (b sinhρ)dΩ 2 The EFE rewritten in terms of these quantities are (cf. Gourgoulhon, 2012, p.87): 2 ij ij L NK t β ∂ γ ∂   − = −     (23) ( ) { } 2 4 2 k ij i j ij ij ik j ij ij L K D D N N R KK K K S E S t β ∂ π γ ∂     − = − + + − + − −       (24) 2 16 ij ij R K K K E π + − = (25) Dennis ◀ Young earth relativistic cosmology ▶ 2018 ICC 27 Sun created Time Horizon Light ray Look back time Look back time Day 1 Earth Light ray Light ray Space Horizon Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 A B C c a b Figure 9. Possible development of the past spacelike surfaces during the creation week in which time is miraculously advanced more rapidly at distant locations resulting in an unfolding of the hyperboloidal sheet as time advances. However, there is nothing fundamentally objectionable to the initial surface propagating in time in a way such that the hyperbolic surface is maintained. If the figure is viewed as a cross section of the FLRW cosmology then we note that the portion of the FLRW below the surface labeled “Day 1” did not exist. As remarked in the text, this solution is thus a subset of the usual full FLRW cosmology (“Big bang cosmology”). The surface labeled “Day 1” is to be viewed as the original miraculous creation of space-time and the stretching out of the heavens. If one visualizes the hyperbolic curves advancing up the time axis it is easy to note that the distant light, though emitted with large look-back times according to the usual FLRW time coordinate, arrives at the earth within a lapsed time of mere days. For example, since the light ray from “A” to “B” lies entirely within the “sandwich” bounded by surfaces labeled Day 1 and Day 2, the event labeled “A,” though potentially a vast distance away, has a light ray that arrives at “B” within 1 day. Note, by the projections of a, b, c of A, B, and C onto the space axis, that light traveled a greater distance, ab , on Day 1 than the distance, bc , on Day 2. Note the figure is not to scale and the curvature of the hyperbolic surface is specifiable by the parameter b in the model. As b approaches zero the hyperbolic surfaces approach the null-cone. Regardless, it should be noted that, as drawn, the entire cosmos (in fact, objects at possibly infinite distances and look back times) is visible at the earth on Day 7.