The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)

though exothermic, is not exothermic enough to sustain the reaction of equation (2). Only when equation (3) comes into play and the reaction of Hydrogen with Oxygen takes place, is there a sufficient and self-sustaining cascade of energy available to not only provide the energy for the endothermic reaction of equation (2) but also extra left over to heat the rest of the water solution to make steam. So for the overall reaction [equation (1)], one can consider the equivalent enthalpy as the addition of these three salient reactions, i.e. ∆ H 1 = −202.8 kJ/mol which is more than twice as much as the energy per mole liberated by the hydrogen peroxide decomposition. The total heat released for 1 kg of solution is then 794.2 kJ/kg solution . Contrary to the assertions of Dawkins (Dawkins 1991) who argued for the gradual development of the beetle chemistry by proposing that gradually over the supposed generations of “beetle evolution” a primitive beetle used a richer and richer mixture of hydrogen peroxide with an appropriate catalyst, this is incorrect. He ignored the important role of the break up of hydroquinone [equation (2)] which given the initial heat of the hydrogen peroxide reaction then begins to liberate the hydrogen radical. His actual words were “In fact the hydroquinone does nothing at all. We can put that on one side …” It was a crucial error, as it is only by the presence of the hydrogen radical that the main hydrogen / oxygen reaction can take over with a much greater heat of reaction, and thereby cause the caustic mixture to come out with such ferocity and scalding temperatures in the face of a predator. The catalytic chemistry is not just causing the hydrogen peroxide to break down, but also preparing the very reactive hydrogen radical to be ready for the highly exothermic step with the free oxygen. This is a further irreducibly complex system which is to do with the chemistry itself. Hydrogen peroxide on its own is not going to make the chemical system needed. Neither will hydroquinone with H 2 O 2 do anything unless there is a catalyst and a chamber where these catalytic reactions are contained. Only with a valve-controlled reservoir delivery system, a combustion chamber, the catalysts peroxidase and catalase, and an exhaust valve with a moveable turret plus sensory system to ascertain direction of the predator, can there be a machine gun like ejection device. Indeed the comparison to a machine gun is apt, since the beetle will keep a rapid sequence of ejections going for 5 seconds or so and then do this again a number of times if needed. Machines require design and involve raised free energy devices where energy pathways have to be constructed (McIntosh 2009, 2013) to make the system work. The design inference is both logical and the only reasonable approach to understanding the beetle valve and chemical mechanisms. MIMICKING THE BEETLE VALVE SYSTEM The investigations by the team led by Professor McIntosh have led to the building of an experimental rig mimicking the major physics of the beetle ejection system but not the chemistry. Rather than chemical heating as with the beetle, the experimental rig has McIntosh and Lawrence ◀ Design of the bombardier beetle ▶ 2018 ICC 270 Figure 3 . An electron micrograph showing the twin box-glove shape combustion chambers and nozzles in the Stenaptinus insignis beetle from a dissection by Eisner. Each of the combustion chambers has an inlet and exhaust valve. Photo courtesy of Professor Tom Eisner. Figure 4. The cycle of vapour explosions in the bombardier beetle along with the ingenious inlet and pressure relief exit valve. When the combustion chamber is at low pressure, the inlet tube is open and the exit tube is closed by a membrane that sticks to the bottom part of the tube. This allows the reactants to enter the chamber. Insert shows the connection with Fig. 3 with the twin combustion chambers and nozzles from a dissection of a bombardier beetle. Once the chamber is under pressure (middle) the extremities of the ‘boxing glove’ like chamber pinch the inlet tube shut. As the chemical reaction in the chamber progresses, heat is generated and the pressure in the chamber increases until the exit membrane is forced to lift (see bottom picture), and the hot pressurized fluid is then ejected. Then the pressure in the chamber drops and the process is repeated until all of the reactants have been exhausted. Figure from McIntosh and Beheshti (2008).