The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)

in North America at the same time. Extensive sandstones are also found along large segments of the offshore shelf regions of SA. Areas of extensive shale and/or carbonate deposition also dominated the basal Tejas in the Amazon Basin and along the northeast and extreme southeast parts of the offshore, including the Caribbean. C. Distinctive layers of unique lithology and characteristic Although not visible in the large, continent-scale 3-D lithology models, there are extensive chert beds at the base of the Kaskaskia megasequence (Fig. 12) and salt beds within the Tippecanoe (Fig. 13) across large segments of North America. These unique lithologic units allowed correlation from column to column, and verified and confirmed the megasequence boundaries surfaces and the correlations of their respective basal sandstones. Stratigraphic section C-C’ (Fig. 14) shows the salt and gypsum rocks (Salina) within the Tippecanoe megasequence. Note how the salt layer correlates to the same level within the Tippecanoe from column to column, from Michigan to New York. These units independently confirm and validate the correlation of the megasequence boundaries. Stratigraphic section D-D’ (Fig. 15) shows chert-rich layers within the Kaskaskia at the base of the megasequence from Arkansas to Illinois. As noted above, there are additional chert-rich layers at different stratigraphic levels elsewhere also. However, the consistency of these chert-rich layers at the base of the Kaskaskia and at the top of the Tippecanoe megasequence strengthens the correlation of the basal Kaskaskia boundary, independent of fossil content. We also correlated several recognizable and regionally extensive Zuni rock formations, like the Morrison Formation (Fig. 16) and the Pierre Shale (Fig. 17) that extend across numerous states. We also found that the Ordovician Utica Shale (Tippecanoe) and several Devonian shales (Kaskaskia) extend for 100s of kilometers along the western flank of the Appalachians (Marcellus Shale and Chattanooga Shale). Between these units and the chert and salt-rich rocks, we were able to verify the correlations independent from the sequence boundaries and from any reference to fossils. And the results showed a remarkable match. Each of the semi-regional and distinctive rock units correlated consistently within the same relative section within the megasequence boundaries. Correlations of the Morrison Formation and the Pierre Shale (including individual bentonite-rich beds, Bertog et al. 2007) across theAmericanWest confirmed and validated the Zuni megasequence boundaries as they also are found in the same relative locations within the megasequence. The Morrison Formation is always near the base of the Zuni megasequence and the Pierre Shale is always near the top. Each of these units can be recognized in the field and well bores by their unique characteristics and even electric log signals. In addition, many of the Cretaceous system (Zuni) shales found across the American West have unique highly radioactive well log signals that also allow correlation across vast regions. These units also fall in the same relative locations within the Zuni megasequence, not cutting up or down within the megasequence. All of these aforementioned correlations are independent of any fossil content. These rocks are as empirical and factual as any data set. 2. Fossil patterns in the megasequences Although the intent of this study was to examine the validity of the megasequences independent of fossil content, we found that indeed, the fossils also reflect a pattern and can be used as additional correlation tools just as geologists have been doing since the days of William Smith in the early 19 th Century in England (Ross 2014). The first three megasequences (Sauk, Tippecanoe, Kaskaskia) contain about 99% marine fossils and are limited to select locations on the present-day continents (Clarey and Werner 2017). By the fourth megasequence (Absaroka), fossils of terrestrial flora and fauna became deposited in significant amounts, although mixed with marine organisms. Globally, the Absaroka megasequence contains the first massive coals and large clastic deposits were observed to spread across much more of the continents. The Zuni deposition (5 th megasequence) shows the most extensive coverage of the continents. This megasequence contains the last of the dinosaur fossils and reflects a major shift in flora and fauna. DISCUSSION Our multi-continent study demonstrates that megasequences are related to major changes in the global sedimentary pattern. In addition they record major shifts in the global fossil record. In fact, many of the claimed largest mass extinction horizons correlate closely with the highest water levels of each megasequence cycle (Snelling 2017) (Fig. 18, p.157, Clarey 2015). Flood geologists dispute that these represent true extinction events however, and instead, interpret them as abrupt changes in the types of fossils deposited during the Flood year. In this regard, it is no surprise a connection is observed between megasequences and the fossil record as both reflect sudden shifts in depositional pattern, including water volume and energy. The fossil pattern observed across three continents is best explained by the systematic flooding of progressively higher and higher elevations of the pre-Flood continents as described in Genesis 7 (Clarey and Werner 2018). As water levels increased and coverage became more extensive, the observable pattern of fossils changed accordingly. We observe the same progressive pattern across each of the three continents in this study. In fact, one could build an independent geologic column on each of the three continents. Comparison of these would result in essentially the same ‘global’ column across each continent. The lowermost extensive Flood sediments (Sauk megasequence) contain the same fossil taxa on each continent.And each subsequent megasequence on top of the Sauk contains the same fossil taxa, and in the same order on all three continents. This is the very basis for the Principle of Faunal Succession; the recognition of a global pattern of fossils that abruptly changes with deposition of subsequent sedimentary layers. Macro-evolution is not observed as the fossils merely appear and disappear in the order of burial in the rock record. The extent of the Sauk, Tippecanoe and Kaskaskia megasequences across North America, Africa and South America are shown in Figures 8a, 9a and 10a, respectively. Note that the majority of the basal rock types in each of the megasequences are sandstone layers. Clarey and Werner ◀ A Flood origin for the geological column ▶ 2018 ICC 343