The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)

was not included in our study, but where the Bible describes the landing site of the ark. CONCLUSIONS This paper demonstrates the reality of the geologic column using geological data from three continents and evidence from sequence stratigraphy. It should be no surprise that the fossils on all continents show the same basic patterns as sea level rose and flooded each continent simultaneously. As each unique ecological level was inundated, similar environments became entombed globally, creating a common and recognizable rock and fossil record across all continents. The use of megasequences is the best way to examine the global geologic record, as they are as independent of fossils as possible. Finally, megasequences reflect major advances and shifts in Flood depositional patterns and exhibit distinctive lithologic patterns that allow intercontinental correlations using seismic and well data. Results show extensively consistent lithologic units (i.e. blanket sandstones) covered portions of every continent and are correlative across vast regions and even continent to continent. These include sandstones like the Tapeats equivalent across North America. The correlation of these stacked basal megasequence units, from column to column, and the correlation of other unique rock types (i.e. salt and chert layers) within the megasequences, confirm the validity of the geologic column on a global scale. The fossils contained within the megasequences are merely the passive results of these major sedimentological events as the Flood waters rose higher and higher. Creationists should embrace the geologic column as it is robust evidence of a global Flood. REFERENCES Austin, S.A., J.R. Baumgardner, D.R. Humphreys, A.A. Snelling, L. Vardiman, and K.P. Wise. 1994. Catastrophic plate tectonics: A global Flood model of earth history. 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