The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)

of the Absaroka, Zuni and Tejas megasequences (AZT), the last three sequences deposited. Figure 6 shows an increasing number in percent of the occurrences of terrestrial organisms from the Absaroka upward through the Tejas megasequence. It should also be noted, that angiosperm plants make their first appearance in Cretaceous System rocks (Zuni megasequence), although this was not part of this study. 5. Increasing Areal Coverage of Absaroka Megasequence Areal coverage and sediment volume generally increases greatly in the Absaroka megasequence, compared to the three earlier megasequences. This trend is most noticeable across Africa and SouthAmerica, and less obvious across NorthAmerica. In southern Africa, much of the Absaroka includes the Karoo Supergroup and equivalents. 6. Similarity of Maximum Sediment Volume and Extent of Zuni Megasequence Finally, we observed the highest volume of sediment deposited, and generally the maximum areal extent also, in the Zuni megasequence deposits across most of the continents. Figure 7 shows the volume and types of sediments deposited for the three continents in this study. Note that the Zuni megasequence easily contains the highest volume of sediment preserved across Africa. In fact, the Zuni volume (over 57.2 million km 3 ) is more than double the volume deposited by any other megasequence across Africa. In contrast, North America had the highest total rock volume deposited during the Tejas megasequence. However, when the volcanic rocks are excluded, the Zuni megasequence contains more sedimentary rocks than all other megasequences across NA, including the Tejas. South America has a greater volume of Tejas than Zuni (Fig. 7). However, after summing the totals from each of the three continents, the Zuni megasequence still contains the highest global volume and maximum extent of any Flood megasequence (Zuni total = 97.4 million km 3 vs. Tejas total = 79.5 million km 3 ). DISCUSSION By looking at the thicknesses of the various stratigraphic intervals of the Flood, we were able to make inferences about the relative topography of the pre-Flood world. We assumed that the pre- Flood lows would be filled in first by the earliest deposits (first three megasequences) and the uplands later as the Flood levels increased, as described in Genesis 7. Combining these data with the fossil record contained in the rocks of the megasequences, we were able to make a reasonable interpretation of pre-Flood shallow seas, lowlands and uplands. Finally, we created a pre-Flood geography map for the three continents in this study (Fig. 8). This is the first pre-Flood map created by creationists that is based on actual rock data. We placed the continents into a Pangaea-like (although slightly modified) configuration that allowed for a narrow pre-Atlantic Ocean and projected our interpreted locations of shallow seas, lowlands and uplands onto the base map. We recognize that debate exists over the pre-Flood continental configuration, with some advocating for an initial created supercontinent that was Rodinia-like (Snelling Clarey and Werner ◀ Pre-Flood geography ▶ 2018 ICC 357 Figure. 6. Graph of global animal fossil occurrences from the Paleobiology database (courtesy of Nathaniel Jeanson). Blue represents aquatic animals and red represents terrestrial animals. The approximate Sauk through Kaskaskia, Absaroka and Zuni and the Tejas megasequences are shown on the left. Note the Kaskaskia/Absaroka boundary is in the middle of the Carboniferous, near the base of the Pennsylvanian System. Few land animals appear as occurrences until the end of the Kaskaskia. Then, the graph shows increasing proportions of terrestrial animals appearing progressively upward in the rock record, beginning in the Carboniferous. © 2017 Institute for Creation Research. Used by permission.