The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)
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He has been studying the Coconino Sandstone since 1998. He is a coauthor of The Heavens and the Earth , a college-level earth science text. Raymond Strom is currently President of Calgary Rock and Materials Services Inc., a Canadian based geological lab operation providing technical support mainly to the oil and gas industry of Western Canada. Many international studies, with Ray’s direct input, have been supported by the company as well. Ray was a graduate of the Chemistry program (Chemical Technologist) of the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary, Alberta. Ray has authored and co-authored numerous papers and posters relating to the geology field, including use of UAVs (drones) to enhance geological data sets. Ray is currently involved in several studies relating to biblical geology in addition to the varied studies he is involved with in conventional geology. 646 Whitmore and Strom ◀ Angular K-feldspars in ancient sandstones ▶ 2018 ICC
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