The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)

Seely et al. ◀ Finite element analysis of a near impact event ▶ 2018 ICC 69 2 4 3 i i i i F G r V π ρ = . (3) where V i and ρ i are the volume and density of a given element, respectively. Similarly, the self-gravity body force within each element of the mantle is also given by Equation 1, except the gravitational pull on each element has a contribution from the core material and mantle material, usually consisting of different materials with different densities, and changes the gravitational expression: ( ) 2 core mantle i M M G g r + = . (4) Again, substituting M = ρV for the core and mantle, we have: ( ) 3 3 3 2 4 3 core core mantle i core i r r r G g r π ρ ρ   + −   = . (5) Substituting the above expression into Equation 1 and simplifying gives the final expression for the self-gravity for each element within the mantle as a body force: ( ) 3 3 3 2 4 3 core core mantle i core i mantle i i r r r G F V r π ρ ρ ρ   + −   = . (6) Finally, the force as a function of time on each element (F j ) induced during the near pass of the fly-by object is again found by Newton’s second law as: ( ) ( ) 1 2 2 j j GM M F t r t = , (7) where M 1 is the mass of the stationary object, M 2 is the mass of the passing object, and r j (t) is the distance between the stationary and passing object’s center of mass at specific times during the fly-by. Again, substituting M = ρV into the above expression for the stationary body gives the final expression for the body force experienced in each element as a function of time during the near Figure 18. Surface view of the stationary body (two-layer model Earth) showing the permanent radial displacements (in meters) remaining after the fly-by of an earth mass object traveling at 20 km/sec at a peri-apsis distance of 45,000 km. The color coding indicating permanent topographical change after subsidence of the transient elastic displacements caused by the passage of an Earth mass object. Counter clockwise from the upper left are shown: (E) polar view, equatorial views of (C) near-side surface, (B) retreat-side surface, (D) far-side surface, and (B) approach-side surface. The value of the displacement is relative to the original surface as measured from the geometric center of the body. Note the global pattern of highlands (greens through red) and lowlands (blues).