The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism (2018)
the pole. Although not displayed in these figures, equatorial and Southern Hemispheric surface temperatures are similar to the WO simulation. The pressure and temperature fields are comparable in Figures 6e and f; however, a general pattern arises when adding a thick aerosol layer. When a thick layer of aerosols is present, the continental temperatures are reduced. However, over the warm Arctic Ocean the surface temperature increases. Solar radiation is low or nearly absent during the arctic winter; therefore, the only radiative effect that aerosols have is to trap infrared radiation coming from the surface. 2. Jet Stream Comparisons Figure 7 is a comparison of wind speeds at the 250 mb pressure level for the six simulations. Since this level has the strongest winds of the troposphere, it is easier to see the location of the jet Gollmer ◀ Post-Flood Ice Age precipitation ▶ 2018 ICC 702 Figure 6. Surface temperature and sea level pressure during January for the following six simulations: a) Reference run b) Warm oceans c) Warm oceans stratospheric aerosols d) Warm oceans stratospheric aerosols and no ice sheets e) Warm oceans with aerosols restricted between 30˚ and 60˚ N and f) Warm oceans with aerosols restricted between 45˚ and 90˚ N. The color key is set so blue represents temperatures below 0 ˚C and oranges and reds above freezing. Pressure is represented by contour lines. The plotted pressures are differences from 1000 mb. Contours for negative values are represented by dashed lines.
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