Table of Contents
Preface - J.H. Whitmore
XI |
1 |
The Ipuwer Papyrus and the Exodus - A. Habermehl
1 |
A creationist view of Gobekli Tepe: Timeline and other considerations - A. Habermehl
7 |
15 |
Consistent young earth relativistic cosmology - P.W. Dennis
15 |
The current state of Creation Astronomy II - D. faulkner
37 |
Towards a young universe cosmology - B.M. Johnson
47 |
Finite element analysis of large body deformation induced by a catastrophic near impact - D. Seely, et al
53 |
The proposed origin of our solar system with planet migration - W.R. Spencer
73 |
A solution for the distant starlight problem using creation time coordinates - T.G. Tenev, et al
85 |
Biblical Studies and Philosophy
99 |
Exegetical analysis of Psalm 104:8 and its possible implications for interpreting the geologic record - W.D. Barriock
99 |
Man, machine, scientific models and creation science - S.M. Gollmer
107 |
The case for the Septuagint's chronology in Genesis 5 and 11 - H.B. Smith, Jr.
121 |
137 |
An overview of the independent histories of the human Y chromosome and the human mitochondrial chromosome - R. W. Carter, et al
137 |
Bacteriophages as beneficial regulators of the mammalian microbiome - J.W. Francis, et al
157 |
Continuous environment tracking: An engineering framework to understand adaptation and diversification
163 |
The CRS eKINDS research initiative: Where we have been and where we are headed from here - J.K. Lightner, et al
191 |
Integrated regulation of class II human endogenous retroviruses in a breast cancer cell line - Y. Liu, et al
197 |
Adam and Eve, designed diversity, and allele frequencies - J.C. Sanford, et al
207 |
A survey of Cenozoic mammal baramins - C. Thompson, et al
225 |
Combinatorial genomic data refute the human chromosome 2 evolutionary fusion and build a model of functional design for interstitial telomeric repeats - J.P. Tomlons
231 |
239 |
The fate of arsenic in Noah's Flood - A.R. Hutchison, et al
239 |
A characterization of petrified and mummified wood from an Eocene deposit in Mississippi - N. Lee, at al
249 |
259 |
A model for outdoor creation education - J.L. Albert
259 |
Devotional Biology: A young-age creationist, college-level, conceptual biology textbook - K.P. Wise, et al
267 |
281 |
The extraordinary design of the bombardier beetle: A classic example of biomimetrics - A.C. McIntosh, et al
281 |
291 |
Historical survey of the floating mat model for the origin of Carboniferous coal beds - S.A. Austin, et al
291 |
Understanding how the Flood sediment record was formed: The role of large tsunamis - J. Baumgardner
301 |
The significance of micas in ancient cross-bedded sandstones - K. Borsch, et al
321 |
Global stratigraphy and the fossil record validate a Flood origin for the geologic column - T.L. Clarey, et al
343 |
Use of sedimentary megasequences to re-create pre-Flood geography - T.L. Clarey, et al
367 |
Global deposits of in situ, upper Cambrian microbialites: Implications for a scientic model of origins - K.P. Coulson
389 |
North American Precambrian geology: A proposed young earth biblical model - H. Dickens
405 |
The Dinosauria: Baraminological and multivariate patterns in biogeographic context - N.A. Doran, et al
421 |
Baraminological analysis of Devonian and Carboniferous tetrapodomorphs - P.A. Garner, et al
475 |
Feathered dinosaurs reconsisdered: New insights from baraminology and ethnotaxonomy - M.A. McLain, et al
489 |
Creationist commentary on and analysis of tree-ring data: A review - R.W. Sanders
533 |
Paleobotany supports the floating mat model for the origin of Carboniferous coal beds - R.W. Sanders, et al
543 |
Locating the Flood/post-Flood boundary using the relative dating of the weathering of ore deposits - A.A. Snelling
571 |
Radiohalos as an exploration pathfinder for granite-related hydrothermal ore veins: A case study in the New England Batholith, Eastern Australia - A.A. Snelling
585 |
The Coconino Sandstone (Permian, Arizona, USA): Implications for the origin of ancient cross-bedded sandstones - J.H. Whitmore, et al
599 |
The significance of angular K-feldspar in ancient cross-bedded sandstones - J.H. Whitmore, et al
647 |
Tree ring disturbance-clustering for the collapse of long tree-ring chronologies - J. Woodmorappe
671 |
Modeling of Flood and post-Flood ocean floor cooling - W.J. Worraker, et al
693 |
703 |
Contributions to creationism by George McCready Price - K.P. Wise
703 |
715 |
Effect of aerosol distributions on precipitation patterns needed for a rapid Ice Age - S.M. Gollmer
715 |
Numerical investigation of strength-reducing mechanisms in mantle rock during the Genesis Flood - N. Cho
727 |
New mechanism for accelerated removal of excess radiogenic heat - D.R. Humphreys
751 |