The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

be offered to explain the source of information controlling two or more entities—all linked together in massive ecological webs—and the complete set of logic involved remains a major part to be elucidated (unlike, for example, the information for genetic logic switches located in DNA). Evolutionists simply appeal to explanations that it evolved and coevolved. Engineering analysis eliminates these mystical appeals in standard biological descriptions and identifies true engineering causality in condition-consequence processes. Engineering analysis identifies extensive integration of interdependent, yet distinctly innate, systems, which makes the explanation of coevolution far less plausible. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Dr. Steven Gollmer and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful and insightful suggestions on earlier manuscripts. REFERENCES Abdullahi, M., M.A. Ngadi, S.I. Dishing, S.M. Abdulhamid, and M.J. Usman. 2020. 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