The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

i3 using two threads. Model statistics were saved for each month of the run. This simulation changes the initial and boundary conditions but not the software code. Initial ocean temperature is uniformly set at 24 °C and stratospheric aerosols set at an optical thickness of 2.0. Unlike Gollmer (2018), the aerosol distribution is uniform from North to South Pole. The ice sheets covering Antarctica and Greenland are removed and isostatic adjustments made to land elevation. The exposed ground is not assigned vegetation and, therefore, treated as bare ground for calculating albedo and moisture retention. The final change involved removing sea ice. Although diligence was given to change initial and boundary conditions, there are some artifacts that slipped through. First year data indicates that some land ice near the coast is still present. Given the length of the model run, this ice quickly disappears due to the temperature of the ocean. Also, when calculating isostatic rebound, some underwater land features become exposed near the coastline. This causes the model to fail due to inconsistent boundary conditions. Since the source of the inconsistency could not be tracked down, rebound was not allowed to cause an ocean grid cell to become land. Given that this problem occurs over a small region, it is assumed this does not change the simulation results significantly. One final note regarding topography. Current day ocean basins and continent positions are used rather than inferring a different configuration. Assuming post-flood contributions to the geological column include some if not all the Cenozoic, this simulation fails to account for changes in continent position, exposure of land surfaces due to a lowering sea level, and mountain building events. Incorporating these factors into the model would require constant changes in configuration. Any heating of the oceans due to these factors is assumed to occur before the model simulation. For the sake of comparisons with climate proxy data, this model is effectively a simulation occurring during the Quaternary Period with high stratospheric aerosols, warm oceans, and missing land and sea ice. III. RESULTS Model E2 reports monthly accumulated statistics on over a thousand data fields. Some are used for diagnostics and others for reporting the state of the model. Since this paper focuses on the feasibility of a rapid post-flood ice age, only temperature and precipitation fields are described and commented on. Progression of the model is evaluated by comparing these data fields at different years within the simulation. Ideally, the simulation will transition from the initial condition of warm oceans to that of the modern day. A reference model is run to provide data fields corresponding to the unmodified model. These fields are referred to as either the reference or modern-day conditions. A. Ocean basin temperature Oceans at all depths are initialized at 24 °C. At the end of the first year, sea surface temperature in the Arctic cools to 18 °C while the equator warms to 25 °C. Over the course of a year, the equator absorbs more solar energy than can be dissipated through infrared radiation. Excess energy is transported toward the poles by winds (4/5 of the excess energy) and ocean currents (1/5). Since the poles and equator begin at the same temperature, excess heat has nowhere to go. As a result, the equatorial temperatures increase. As seen in Fig. 1a, ten years into the simulation equatorial waters reach 26 °C while the sea surface in the Arctic cools to 9 °C. Forty years into the simulation (Fig. 1b) the surface of the Arctic Ocean reaches freezing and Figure 1. Ocean temperature plotted by latitude (South Pole to North Pole) and depth. Ocean temperature at a) 10 years, b) 40 years, and c) 160 years. d) Difference between ocean temperature at 393 years and modern-day values. GOLLMER Rapid ice age 2023 ICC 269