The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

(Fig. 6), before the ocean has a chance to cool, air temperatures are warm from pole to pole. These above zero temperatures persist over the Arctic through year ten, preventing ice accumulation over the ocean. During the winter season land masses located at higher latitudes cool below the freezing point allowing snowfall. The same is true for Antarctica during the Northern Hemisphere summer. Equatorial air temperatures exceed 30 °C, but decline as the oceans cools. Fig. 7 shows the seasonal temperatures for year forty. By this time, air over the Arctic Ocean remains below freezing year-round. This is important for the accumulation of snow and sea ice. By the time the simulation reaches year 160 (Fig. 8), Arctic temperatures extend below –40 °C, as indicated by the gray regions. During the winter, average freezing temperatures extend to the Gulf of Mexico. During the summer, temperatures rebound to 14 °C; however, this is well below current temperatures. By the time the model reaches year 390 (Fig. 9), temperatures over the Midwestern United States reach an average temperature high of 6 °C. The equatorial highs at the end of the model are only in the low twenties. This is another indicator that the stratospheric aerosols are having an undue impact by the end of the simulation. E. Precipitation As pointed out in Spelman (1996) and Gollmer (2013), a warm Arctic Ocean results in significant precipitation during a perpetual January simulation. Fig. 10 confirms this and indicates strong precipitation during the spring and fall. However, this precipitation is Figure 6. Average high surface air temperature for the four seasons during year one. Figure 7. Average high surface air temperature for the four seasons during year forty. GOLLMER Rapid ice age 2023 ICC 272