The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

optical thickness of 2.0 for the aerosols, the amount of direct sunlight reaching earth’s surface is reduced to 13.5% of its original value. Although this works fine to keep temperatures in check early in the simulation, later it drives the surface air temperature below current day values. With the added reduction in absorbed sunlight due to increased reflectance by snow and ice, the earth is driven towards a final state where the surface is completely frozen. Future modeling scenarios can take one of two approaches. The aerosol amount can be reduced as the simulation progresses. This is easily implemented since the model loads in a file, which specifies aerosol amount based on year. An alternate approach is initializing the simulation with cooler oceans and a commensurate lowering of aerosol amount. What those values are will require geological proxy Figure 16. Snowfall for the four seasons during year 160. Figure 17. Snowfall for the four seasons during year 390. Figure 18. Snow thickness for year 40. GOLLMER Rapid ice age 2023 ICC 277