The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

data to constrain the possibilities. C. Model limitations As mentioned previously, low resolution models fail to accurately capture sub-grid processes. However, there are other limitations to the model. According to Kelly et al. (2020), the GISS-E2.1 has a remnant double-ITCZ bias and is unable to provide a realistic stratospheric circulation. Although the current state of the model is greatly improved from previous models, there is consideration to move to an E3 model with higher resolution and new topologies. The need to artificially move to deeper ocean minimums to avoid fatal run errors is also problematic. Although not a problem for simulations near current day conditions, it is for paleoclimate scenarios. The abnormal generation of thick sea ice off the coast of Greenland is an indication of tuned parameters pushed beyond their reasonable limits or an odd land/sea interaction that generated positive feedback. Despite the limitations, this model is still useful for evaluating a rapid ice age scenario. Compared to other coupled climate models, implementation on a Linux system is well documented. Although run time speed is a factor, it does not require a supercomputer or specialized software to operate. The generated output is in NetCDF format, which is well supported by the scientific community. V. CONCLUSIONS This four-century simulation of a post-flood warm ocean world demonstrates that a climate model vetted by the scientific community can transition to a pre-ice age condition using a thick layer of stratospheric aerosols. Although precipitation and snowfall rates are not at the level required by Oard (1979), an ice-covered North America begins to take shape by the end of the simulation. Further research needs to identify specific ocean and surface conditions associated with enhanced snowfall and implement them in a higher resolution simulation of the GISS Model E2.1.2 or in a meso-scale model. The role of stratospheric aerosols and deep ocean heating also needs to be studied to provide a more accurate representation of the post-flood world. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies for developing and refining the Model E2.1.2 source code. The user community for this model was invaluable when resolving compilation errors and fatal code errors. Fig. 1 was generated by the Panoply Data Viewer, developed by Dr. Robert Schmunk. The remaining figures apart from Fig. 2 were generated using the R programming language. Packages developed by the R user community made it possible to input, analyze, and visualize the data. REFERENCES Austin, S.A., J.R. Baumgardner, D.R. Humphreys, A.A. Snelling, L. Vardiman, and K.P. Wise. 1994. Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: A Global Flood Model of Earth History. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Creationism, ed. R.E. Walsh. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Creation Science Fellowship. Cox, D.E. 1979. Controversy about ice ages, Creation Research Society Quarterly, 16:21-28. Gollmer, S.M. 2013. Initial conditions for a post-flood rapid ice age. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creationism, ed. Figure 19. Snow thickness for year 160. Figure 20. Total earth ice for year 40. Figure 21. Total earth ice for year 160. Figure 22. Total earth ice for year 390. GOLLMER Rapid ice age 2023 ICC 278