The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

of its overall magnetic field every eleven years, in synchronism with its sunspot cycle. When the number of sunspots is at a minimum, the observed field is mainly dipolar, with the magnetic lines of force going mainly north and south. Then the strength of the north-south part of the field starts to diminish, the number of sunspots begins to increase, and an east-west part of the field begins to appear. Magnetohydrodynamics (Jackson 1975) explains that the electrically conductive ionized gas in the Sun sweeps the lines of force eastward as the differential rotation pulls the gas eastward (Shercliff 1965). The magnetic field intensity, B, increases as the lines of force are bunched together, and the tension (Jackson 1975, p. 474-475, eqs. 10.21 and 10.22) and energy in them increases as B2, very much like rubber bands being stretched. It appears that turbulent roiling of the ionized gas around the east-west lines of force twists them, like stretched rubber bands being wound up. Tight enough winding produces kinking, with loops of magnetic field lines erupting out of the photosphere. Sunspots appear at the bases of such loops. Overlapping lines of force in opposite directions produce magnetic reconnections, where the lines break and form new shapes, propelling plasma violently in several directions (Biskamp 1993). As the east-west magnetic field intensity increases, the tangling, writhing, and breaking of the lines of force increases in proportion to the square of the magnetic field intensity. This greatly increases solar activity, such as sunspots, flares, coronal mass ejections, solar wind, and, of particular importance here, energetic particle emission, i.e., energetic cosmic rays leading to 14C production. In about 5.5 years, the north-south component has diminished to zero, the number of sunspots is at a maximum, and the east-west lines of force have been wound around the Sun like a ball of twine, about fifteen times. The field intensity in the east-west part is thus about 15 times the original north-south intensity (Humphreys 2013). Then things begin to happen in reverse. A south-north part of the field appears, in the opposite direction of its predecessor. The number of sunspots begins to diminish, and the east-west part of the field begins to unwind. After another 5.5 years, the number of sunspots is at a minimum, the east-west component has disappeared, and the field again has a dipole shape, just as it did eleven years previously. Now, however, the north and south poles of the field have switched places. In another 11 years the field reverses again, making a total of 22 years for the complete cycle. As far as I can tell, if the Sun today had no differential rotation, its magnetic field would be nearly dipolar throughout its cycle, reversing itself every eleven years. It would be very much like the earth’s field when it was reversing itself during the year of the Genesis flood. According to the theory I proposed for the physical mechanism for the earth’s reversals, the controlling factor for the period of the reversals was the thickness of the convection layer, which I am calling l here (Humphreys 1990, p. 9, eq. (16)). The period of the reversals would be proportional to l, and inversely proportional to convection velocities. Assuming that convection velocities were not changed much, then if l in the Sun after the flood was 3.5 times greater than now, it would take 3.5 times longer for a reversal to go through its cycle. The half-period would have been nearly 40 years instead of the 11 years it is now. Differential rotation would have more time to wrap up lines of force more tightly. If differential rotation then were at the same rate as now, it would have wrapped the lines of force 3.5 more times around the Sun than occurs now. The magnetic tension and energy in the lines would have been about 12 times greater than at the peak of the sunspot cycle now. If the differential rotation were faster than now, the tension and energy would have been even greater. So solar activity, particularly emission of high-energy protons, would have been much more than now. Fig. 8 shows a spectacular example of Figure 8. Coronal mass ejection. HUMPHREYS Cause of large post-Flood jump in 14C 2023 ICC 284