A. Creation Model The Creation Model will allow for comparison, in the same engineering terms, creation features and what human brain function can be understood from the neuron and neural network models used in this paper. Thus, brain function and the environment it was created to function within are drawn together. It allows the first research question to be answered, how does a Creation Model provide additional insight and context for the implementation and mission of human beings? Genesis 1 provides a roadmap for how creation took place. One can consider what was created each day and the order. There is an interrelationship between the parts of creation week. As the details of the creation week unfolds, the later items utilize what was already conceived. Thus, there is an intentional plan that is laid out. This section will discuss the creation week element and present the details within a Systems Modeling Language (SysML) engineering tool. First, consider the overall flow of creation. A title for each day of creation is generated, attempting to capture in engineering terms what takes place. Each day forms part of creation, so they all feed into the block on the left. Day 1 starts creation with space, time, light, and matter. These basic building blocks must be in place before anything else can continue. Day 2 forms the Earth’s expanse, creating an atmosphere and space where life can exist above the terrestrial water and below the atmospheric moisture. Day 3 makes the lands, oceans, and vegetation. Thus, several ecosystems are put in place. Day 4 establishes the space expanse. The sun, moon, and stars are correctly oriented with the Earth. Day 5 set the beginning of eukaryotic life with the animals of the sea and the birds in the air. Finally, Day 6 continues the creation week by forming animal life on land. Ultimately, the crowning portion of the creation week concludes with the creation of humanity. Humans are made in the image of God and given his divine charter to reign over creation. Note that the number of items listed in the daily creation events varies. The days with fewer items indicate they deserve a day all to themselves. After this overall look at the creation week, it is helpful to go down to the next level of detail since it is included in the creation week account. Fig. 3 summarizes the six days of creation in one graphic. 1. Day 1 — Space, time, light, and matter Day 1 starts with the formation of space and time. This fact is not stated but is implied in the Genesis 1:1 phrase referring to the creation of the heavens and the Earth. There can be no heavens and the Earth without space and time. So, there are two items laid out first. Continuing to the next item created there is electromagnetic radiation or light. Light requires space and time and the heavens and the Earth to have an effect. Light interacts with matter, so in the process of making the heavens and the Earth, the material matter of the heavens and the Earth is formed. Next, there is the distinction between when there is electromagnetic energy present, light, and when there is no electromagnetic energy present, darkness. More characteristics of electromagnetic energy are implied, like the occulting of light when a mass is in front of the electromagnetic energy. Hence, the necessary features for an eclipse are present. This leads into the final part of Day 1 creation, where there is the potential to have day and night. Since time is operational now, the clock has started, and a 24-hour day is now in place for an observer on Earth, although an atmosphere, land, and life have yet to be introduced. bdd Creation Week Creation Week <<block>> Creation parts Space, Time, Light & Matter : Day 1 {unique} Earth Expanse : Day 2 {unique} Land, Oceans, & Vegetation : Day 3 {unique} Space Expanse : Day 4 {unique} Ocean and Avian Life : Day 5 {unique} Land Life, Man Imago Dei : Day 6 {unique} <<block>> Day 1 parts : Space and Time {unique} : Heavens and the Earth {unique} : Light and Darkness {unique} : Day and Night {unique} <<block>> Day 2 parts : Earth Expanse {unique} : Water Below {unique} : Water Above {unique} <<block>> Day 3 parts : Land and Oceans {unique} : Separation of Land and Oceans {unique} : Land Vegetation After Kind {unique} : Fruit Trees After Kind {unique} : Seed Bearing Vegetation After Kind {unique} <<block>> Day 4 parts : Sun, Moon, Stars in Space Expanse {unique} : Light Days, Dark Nights {unique} : Signs for Days, Seasons, Years {unique} : Sun Governs Light of Day {unique} : Moon Governs Light of Night {unique} <<block>> Day 5 parts : Ocean Life After Kind {unique} : Avian Life After Kind {unique} <<block>> Day 6 parts : Land Life After Kind {unique} : Mankind After Kind {unique} <<block>> Mankind After Kind parts : Imago Dei Creation {unique} : Imago Dei Mission {unique} Land, Oceans, & Vegetation Space, Time, Light & Matter Ocean and Avian Life Earth Expanse Land Life, Man Imago Dei Space Expanse Figure 3. Top Level Creation Model. JOHANSEN Human brain function and the creation model 2023 ICC 292