The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

From the biblical creation model, there is evident interdependence between each creation layer. As the temporal plan of creation unfolds, the later, more developed layers depend on the infrastructure from the earlier temporal steps. Once all creation is functional, each aspect has a tightly coupled and finely tuned partnership. Humankind is part of this system, but he also is unique in his ability to understand and explore its operational makeup. Similarly, the human brain is the most advanced brain that can be considered with the architectural model layers to see a similar interdependence among all the layers. This layered engineering design pattern with interdependence and fine-tuning is seen in many aspects of biological life. An additional layer is proposed to account for the human brain’s unique characteristics adequately. From an architectural point of view, this accounts for human beings made in the image of God and the fact that man has a body and soul that intersect in the physical world but includes a transcendent element that extends beyond the realm of the spirit. Using the Creation Model, the assessment of the full compute stack, and the architectural models of neurons and neural networks show a shortfall between human brain function and what artificial neuromorphic computing systems can achieve. Using the context seen with the Creation Model, the purposes of creation become clearer from an engineering sense. Creation is about relationships and drawing all aspects of creation into greater intimacy with God. This is far different from simply increasing neuromorphic computational capability. REFERENCES Aljadeff, J., B. J. Lansdell, A. L. Fairhall, and D. Kleinfeld. 2016. Analysis of neuronal spike trains, deconstructed. Neuron, Vol. 91, No. 2, pp. 221–259. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.05.039. 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