The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

Δg < 0 favored reaction — Exergonic / Spontaneous (2a,b,c) Δg = 0 reversible reaction — Equilibrium Δg > 0 disfavored reaction — Endergonic / Non-spontaneous So for ∆g < 0 the reaction will happen spontaneously but when ∆g > 0 those reactions will not happen spontaneously. A direct consequence of this (see discussion below) is that a positive free energy (∆g > 0) device does not arise spontaneously. Such a device we call a “machine”. It always requires another operational machine to enable the free energy to be loaded / ‘primed’, ready to do work. The definition of a machine (McIntosh 2023) for the purposes of this paper is repeated here: We define a machine as a device which harnesses (captures or holds) energy, for converting it to work with measurable regularity. Thus a machine is a free energy device, a device for raising the local free energy (i.e. making ∆g > 0) locally and in a predictable manner. Thermodynamic Principle (1) Defining a Machine A good illustration of this principle is a hydro-electric dam. Storage of energy with the potential to do work is achieved by storing water behind the dam. The free energy change is positive – it is non-spontaneous, in that normally the water would run freely downhill with gravity. Raw energy is harnessed as the dam holds the water. The change in free energy is positive (∆g > 0) and there is a large increase in free energy such that when the water is allowed later to flow down a controlled route, it then drives turbines which do work and convert the energy to useable electric energy. Understanding of the interaction between the thermodynamics and the coded instructions (information), must first involve an understanding of the laws of thermodynamics not only for isolated systems but for closed systems (where only energy is allowed to cross the boundary) and open systems (where both matter and energy are allowed to cross the boundary). This is particularly an issue with the second law of thermodynamics concerning the inexorable increase of entropy which strictly only applies within an isolated system. In earlier publications (McIntosh 2009, 2013, 2023), the author has shown that there is a natural extension of the second law of thermodynamics for non-isolated systems which can be expressed in terms of the free energy change (∆g) of a given system (the enthalpy change minus the energy lost due to entropy). In a non-isolated system, the free energy potential will never be greater than the total of that which was already initially in the isolated system and that coming in through the boundary of the system. Thermodynamic Principle (2) Free energy in non-isolated systems In these earlier works the author has formulated the argument that the components of living entities do not arise naturally and always require free energy devices (defined here as ‘machines’) to enable such free energy to become available to do specific work along clearly defined paths. By defining machines as devices to raise the free energy, the above principle means that random energy flowing into a system will never on its own cause intricate biochemical machines to form because very precise chemical pathways are required to use the energy available (free energy) to do work and each process to do this involves a co-dependence on many other machines. The layered complexity of these systems is heavily dependent on the material environment in which such a system is operating, and indeed uses all the same chemical and physical laws that are used to such good effect by any man-made machines. C. Information – Coded Instructions If, on top of this, one then considers information-rich systems (rather like software in computers), one then observes that the information is stored on a substrate which, in living systems, is itself in a non-equilibrium state and connected to layers of interacting non-equilibrium machinery, all governed by coded instructions which are by definition not defined by the material substrate. These coded instructions are stored in the order of the nucleotide triplets on the horizontal rungs of the double helix DNA. However, remarkably the work of Levin (2021) has uncovered a whole new area of bioelectric circuitry within the cells that indicates that codes are not just limited to DNA. The bioelectric signaling appears to be especially relevant to embryogenesis where cells are directed to work together to grow organs, systems and bodies in the phenotype. As we will show, this Thermodynamic Principle (2) concerning non-isolated systems now lies at the heart of the issue concerning how non-material information interacts with the thermodynamics of a substrate. Once this principle is recognized for open systems (where energy and matter can cross the boundary), it immediately Figure 1. Hierarchical layering of living systems. The evolutionary view is that abiogenesis led to the forming of the DNA code which then led to the emergence of complex information systems and intelligence. However, the top-down view regards information in a similar way to the software instructions of a computer. The instructions organize the nucleotides and control the biopolymers to be in a highly non-equilibrium state. MCINTOSH Language, codes, & interaction with thermodynamics 2023 ICC 317