The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

over time. Note that there is no AND after the end of the Flood, but the radiometric dates of subsequent samples continue to evolve over time due to the reservoir relaxation mechanism. Figure 3 is a plot of the hypothetical measured radiometric ages for each of the reservoirs in the example measured continuously for all times. The plot domain covers the assumed Flood date and some time before and after. The units are years before present, so history proceeds from right to left. The lines are equivalent to taking a chilled sample of magma for every time and radiometrically dating it immediately at the time of sampling, rather than waiting until the present time. So, no additional nuclear decay products would be added before measuring the date. Figure 3 illustrates all the fundamental relations that were derived in this paper. The primordial reservoir is unperturbed during the entire history of the example, so evolves exclusively according to the decay history function. It also represents the maximum age that any derived reservoir can take, since perturbations from the decay history function can only decrease the amount of radiogenic daughter product available. Even inheritance can only provide excess daughter up to that which is available in the parent. All other reservoirs and samples evolve according to the universally applied decay history function while they are not perturbed, and so parallel the primordial reservoir line. This example was not run with a primordial signature so the primordial reservoir line begins at zero radiometric age at the beginning of history. A non-zero primordial Figure 2. Event stratigraphy of the example network. The single decay history function is applicable for the entire history, and acts continuously on all of the other objects. The network begins with a primordial reservoir with a zero initial age. At the beginning of the Flood, a reservoir is sampled from the primordial one with 10% inheritance. About a third of the way through the Flood, this reservoir is partitioned into two daughters, one of which undergoes a period of rapid relaxation during the Flood. Samples with 10% inheritance (for example, lava emplacement), are taken both during and after the Flood with the exception of reservoir B, which has 80% retention during Flood samples. MOGK Disequilibrium Relaxation Following Accelerated Nuclear Decay 2023 ICC 334