The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

least one episode of AND in the past. While providing the answers to some longstanding questions about the place of radiometric dating in Biblical history, it raised new questions regarding the follow-on implications that have hitherto been unexplored. Relatively accurate radiometric dates have been in use in the published record since that time, and it has been recognized that if relative ordering of dates is valid, then there should theoretically be a valid method of converting these ages into historical dates. I have proven this to be the case in theorem 1. Furthermore, I have established the relations necessary to construct an absolute dating framework within Biblical history, identified the conditions under which it can be used, and described conditions needed for relative dating. From these relations, I have also shown that magma reservoir relaxation — the reduction in apparent radiometric age of successive radiometrically datable rocks sourced from the reservoir over time — is a natural and unavoidable consequence of an episode of AND. Due to the extreme excess of radiogenic daughter products, AND causes anomalous inheritance despite small partition ratios between crystal and melt in a magma. This direct consequence of AND is a challenge to characterize which is likely the reason that a general radiometric history model able to accurately convert between radiometric ages and historical dates has for so long not been formulated. Relative radiometric dating is also affected except in restricted circumstances where the effects of reservoir relaxation cancel out. Constructing and constraining a model will take multiple studies and require observations that are not often undertaken in conventional studies. The reservoir relaxation mechanism easily explains the measured secular change of radiometric dates of post-Flood volcanic features without needing an extended AND ramp down. It also explains why most modern volcanoes measure properly at zero age but why some volcanoes repeatably do not. I make a prediction based upon the action of the reservoir relaxation mechanism and propose a fertile location to test the prediction. Finally, I provide a pathway for future research defining models of decay histories and understanding further implications of the AND epoch. The realities of AND make absolute radiometric dating difficult, but the effort required is well worth the reward of having such a powerful tool available to study the earth and solar system within a Biblical framework. NOMENCLATURE AND Accelerated Nuclear Decay RATE Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth He Helium K Potassium Ar Argon Pb Lead Ra Radium Figure 10. Radiometric dates from sources in the San Francisco Volcanic field plotted in stratigraphic order. Although the uncertainties are high, there is a possibility of different rock types exhibiting differing radiometric behavior. Rocks sampled in order form left to right are: SD-Sugarloaf dome, LM-Lockett Meadow dacite, DP-Doyle Peak dacite, SFM ya-younger andesite of San Francisco Mountain, EM-Elden Mountain domes, AP-Agassiz Peak andesite, SFM d-dacite of San Francisco Mountain, R&FP-domes and flows of Reese and Fremont Peaks, SFM oa-older andesite of San Francisco Mountain, FPD-Fremont Peak dome, SPD-Schultz Peak domes, SFM ooa-(older) older andesite of San Francisco Mountain. Circles are K-Ar dates from Wolfe et al., 1987, diamonds are Ar-Ar dates from Karátson et al., 2010 and Morgan et al., 2010, triangles are fission-track ages from Ulrich and Bailey, 1987. MOGK Disequilibrium Relaxation Following Accelerated Nuclear Decay 2023 ICC 341