The Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Creationism (2023)

Figure 4. Oblique image of western Bidahochi Basin showing the location of the 25-square-kilometer Wagon Box Draw landform study area (red square). Wagon Box Draw is a tributary to Canyon Diablo, which is tributary to Little Colorado River. Figure 5. Terracelike landforms are very abundant on Nate’s Hill on north side of Wagon Box Draw. Here the hill is viewed in the upslope direction looking northwest. Hill is terminated on the right side by the fault scarp and graben structure parallel to Buffalo Range Road. Oblique aerial still photo clipped from Loper (2022b). the primary eastern dome at Brown Knoll. We continue our yetto-be-successful search for low-angle Lake Bonneville shorelines elsewhere in Utah. After our initial survey of shoreline terraces on Bonneville low slopes, we find ourselves asking if we would expect to find shoreline evidence on bedrock slopes of 0.02 around the shore of ancient Hopi Lake. Our conclusion from our survey at Lake Bonneville is special conditions would be necessary for preservation of terraces on bedrock slopes of 0.02 (1 degree) or less. In this paper we propose and test the hypothesis that transgressive depositional terraces can be produced on limestone dip slopes as low as 0.02 if certain bedrock conditions are present (dip slope exposure with thinner heterogeneous limestone beds). LANDFORM STUDY AREA AND METHODOLOGY Our attention was focused on observation of certain landforms on low slopes in the southwestern margin of Bidahochi Basin at elevations AUSTIN, HOLROYD, FOLKS, AND LOPER Shoreline Transgressive Terraces 2023 ICC 349